It sounds like an intriguing promise, especially compared to what advice you often receive about how to pay off debts. But is it really possible to pay off debt quickly when you don’t have a lot of money left over from your paycheck?
Traditional Advice
The advice you’ve heard for years is to fin...
Pay Off Debt Fast and Raise Your Credit Score
Monday, 22 December 2014
Pay Off Debt Fast and Raise Your Credit Score
Friday, 19 December 2014
How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Going Deeper in Debt
One of the biggest factors in your credit score is how much of your credit limit is being used. If you max out your credit cards during the holidays every year for gifts, you are hurting your credit score. Even if you spend the other 10 or 11 months paying it off, this problem becomes a viscous...
How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Going Deeper in Debt
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Preparing for a Credit Check
You want to buy a car or your first home. You already know that the lender is going to check your credit. How do you prepare for that situation before it happens?
Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report
The first thing to do is to get a free copy of your credit report. You want to know what it...
Preparing for a Credit Check
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
What Should You Do If You Don’t Have a Credit Score?
You hear so much about bad credit scores and how they can hurt you when you go to apply for a home loan or car loan. What about if you don’t have a credit score at all? You may have heard it said that no credit is worse than bad credit, but is it true? Will it hurt you if you don’t have a credit ...
What Should You Do If You Don’t Have a Credit Score?
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Develop Good Credit Card Habits to Have a Good Credit Score
It’s a catch-22 for many people. You can’t get good credit without a credit card, but carry a high balance and it will hurt your credit. While this is a narrow view on how credit and credit cards function, it does provide a succinct statement on how credit and credit cards work together.
The key...
Develop Good Credit Card Habits to Have a Good Credit Score
Monday, 15 December 2014
Are You Doomed to Have Bad Credit Forever?
Miss one payment by 30 days and watch your credit score sink like a rock. Work hard to pay your bills on time from that time forward and it seems like your score creeps back up. If you have multiple negative accounts from the past on your record, it only compounds the problem. It may seem like...
Are You Doomed to Have Bad Credit Forever?
Friday, 12 December 2014
Why Credit Card Debt is Good for the Economy and Bad For You
According to a new report from Equifax, credit card debt has increased in the second quarter of 2014 compared to the same time in 2013. This is good news for the economy because many credit experts say that increased levels of debt indicate improved consumer confidence.
More Debt Than...
Why Credit Card Debt is Good for the Economy and Bad For You
Thursday, 11 December 2014
When Accounts are Removed From a Credit Report
If you check your credit report occasionally and compare it to previous ones, you may notice that some accounts are no longer reported. Why does this happen and does it really matter to your credit score?
There are various reasons that an account could fall off of a credit report. Sometimes it...
When Accounts are Removed From a Credit Report
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
What are the Best Ways for 20-somethings’ To Build Credit?
When you just graduate college and are starting out on an entry-level salary, it can be difficult to get a car, house or even rent an apartment. If you haven’t already established your own credit, you will have a limited history that makes you a higher risk to lenders and creditors. How can you b...
What are the Best Ways for 20-somethings’ To Build Credit?
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
How Long Does It Take To Get a Good Credit Score?
When you look at all of the factors that affect your credit score, you may not focus on the age of your credit history. After all, it doesn’t carry as much weight as your payment history or debt utilization. However, it is an important aspect to consider and one that only improves over time if h...
How Long Does It Take To Get a Good Credit Score?
Monday, 8 December 2014
Credit Card Surprises That Could Ruin Your Credit
Credit cards are often some of the culprits that harm a person’s credit score. The cards themselves are not to blame, but some of the surprises that they bring may end up hurting your credit.
Fees and Charges
If you pay a couple of days late, it won’t show up late on your credit report. Most peo...
Credit Card Surprises That Could Ruin Your Credit
Friday, 5 December 2014
Can a Credit Card Payment Plan Hurt Your Credit Score?
It sounds like the perfect plan. You have more debt than you can handle and the creditors are willing to work with you a payment plan. Before you agree to the terms, there are some things you should know.
Different Companies, Different Methods
Each creditor has its own way of handling hardship...
Can a Credit Card Payment Plan Hurt Your Credit Score?
Thursday, 4 December 2014
When Having a Good Credit Score Matters
You know you need to have good credit to get a home loan or even a car loan. Having an excellent credit score also means you qualify for those fantastic rewards credit cards. But did you know that there are other times when having good credit matters – even when you aren’t asking for a loan or cr...
When Having a Good Credit Score Matters
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Should Baby Boomers Worry about Credit Scores?
People who are trying to buy their first homes or purchase a new car often worry about their credit scores. They are often the people with the lowest income as well, so they live on a tight budget with more expenses and possibly even credit card debt. If you don’t fall into this category, should ...
Should Baby Boomers Worry about Credit Scores?
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Protect Your Credit When You Are on Vacation
A vacation is all about relaxing and enjoying life whether you are lying out on a warm beach or hiking in the mountains. However, you should never relax your guard when it comes to your credit, even on vacation. In fact, vacationers are prime targets for identity theft. Here are some tips to...
Protect Your Credit When You Are on Vacation
Monday, 1 December 2014
No Credit Cards – A Financial Mistake?
According to some reports, up to 63% of Millennials do not have a credit card. They prefer to buy with cash rather than using credit. This trend is due partially to them watching what their parents have gone through in recent months. They have vowed to avoid the debt trap.
Millennials have...
No Credit Cards – A Financial Mistake?
Friday, 28 November 2014
Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Credit
Even though a lot of information is available about credit ratings and credit scores, many people have a lot of false ideas about the subject. Some of the information they find is confusing while some is just wrong. Here are some common misconceptions and the real facts.
1. You can’t get a c...
Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Credit
Thursday, 27 November 2014
3 Bad Habits You Must Break to Improve Your Credit
Getting bad credit happens in one of two ways. You may have an unfortunate situation where you lose your job or a major problem arises to hurt your credit. What is more common is simply bad financial choices that lead to poor credit. A few changes in your habits can prevent the second issue from...
3 Bad Habits You Must Break to Improve Your Credit
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Millennials and Credit: What They Do and How They Can Improve
Millennials have a different viewpoint towards money, shopping and credit than the generations before. Here is a look at some of their typical behaviors and what they can do to ensure they have the best credit score possible.
Going Online
Millennials are more comfortable with technology and the...
Millennials and Credit: What They Do and How They Can Improve
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Why Your Credit Score is About More Than Just Credit Cards
When you think about your credit rating and your credit score, you probably focus on your credit cards and loans. Those forms of credit weigh heavily in whether you have a good or bad credit score. However, some bills and fees that are not credit-based can also impact your score.
Parking or...
Why Your Credit Score is About More Than Just Credit Cards
Monday, 24 November 2014
Don’t Let Your Kids Ruin Your Credit
As your kids get older, you want to teach them the value of credit. What better way to do that than to put them on your card or even co-sign for a card with them? However, you must be careful to protect your own credit.
Beware the Dangers of Signing
Whether you are adding them as an authorized...
Don’t Let Your Kids Ruin Your Credit
Friday, 21 November 2014
Does More Credit Cards Mean a Better Credit Score?
One of the things you hear a lot when you are trying to establish or rebuild credit is to get a credit card. It may not make an immediate impact on your credit score, but it will help over time if you make your payments before the due date.
If One is Good, Two Must be Better
You may be thinking...
Does More Credit Cards Mean a Better Credit Score?
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Are Bad Credit Loans a Bad Idea?
You’ve been turned down by every reputable lender for a personal loan. You want to pay off your debts and improve your credit score. The only option you have is to get a bad credit loan. But should you?
When It is Your Only Alternative
A bad credit loan should never be your first choice even if y...
Are Bad Credit Loans a Bad Idea?
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
4 Ways to Get More Money to Pay Off Debt and Raise Your Credit Score
Other than paying your bills on time, the one thing you can do to raise your credit score the most is pay down your debt. This is especially true of credit card debt since it is revolving debt and credit utilization plays such a big role in your score.
Most people don’t have a lot of extra m...
4 Ways to Get More Money to Pay Off Debt and Raise Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Three Choices for Dealing with Credit Scores
Credit scores can be confusing. So much information is included on a credit report along with codes that it can seem overwhelming. People who have had low credit scores often resort to one of three ways of dealing with them when they don’t understand the reason behind the numbers.
Method #1 – Ig...
Three Choices for Dealing with Credit Scores
Monday, 17 November 2014
The Combined Credit Score: FICO
You’ve probably heard about all kinds of credit scores if you are trying to find out your number or improve your credit rating. You may know that each of the three major credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, give you a credit score.
You may even wonder if there is a c...
The Combined Credit Score: FICO
Friday, 14 November 2014
Credit Score Interpretation: Understanding Why It Takes 7 Years to Get Bad Stuff Removed
Most negative information can stay on your credit report for seven years. Have you ever wondered why the magic number is seven and if there is any way around it?
Congress instituted the time for negative data to remain on credit reports back when the Fair Credit Reporting Act was put in place....
Credit Score Interpretation: Understanding Why It Takes 7 Years to Get Bad Stuff Removed
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Can You Get a Free Credit Score 3 in 1?
Are you looking for a report that gives you a free credit score from each of the three major credit bureaus? While you can get some variations, it is generally not possible to get all three of your credit scores for free. That’s the short answer. Here is a more in-depth look at getting free c...
Can You Get a Free Credit Score 3 in 1?
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Can You Buy the Credit Score You Want?
People today live in a society where you can buy just about anything you want. The idea is that everything comes with a price and if you are willing to pay enough for it, then it can be yours. So, it makes sense to think that buying a credit score would be an option.
The Money Stops Here
Can You Buy the Credit Score You Want?
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Avoid Credit Mistakes in your 20’s for the Future
If you just graduated college or are even in your mid-20s, you may not yet be thinking about your credit rating. You may not be ready to buy a house now or already have a car loan, so credit is not one of those things you pay attention to. However, you should avoid these common credit mistakes...
Avoid Credit Mistakes in your 20’s for the Future
Monday, 10 November 2014
Can You Hack Your Credit Score?
Are you looking for a fast and easy way to increase your credit score? Maybe you found your dream house but can’t qualify for a mortgage with your current credit score. Maybe you want to get a credit card but have been turned down repeatedly. Whatever the reason, you are hoping to find a way to h...
Can You Hack Your Credit Score?
Friday, 7 November 2014
Credit Score Tracking: Is It a Good Idea?
You may have heard about sites like Credit Karma, Credit Sesame and Quizzle that track your credit scores. Many of them offer free monthly scores while others provide them quarterly. Still other sites charge a monthly fee that can range from just a few dollars to $20 or even $30 a month to track...
Credit Score Tracking: Is It a Good Idea?
Thursday, 6 November 2014
How Can You Find Out Your True Credit Score?
You’ve probably heard about all of the different credit scores that you have. You have one score from Experian, another from Equifax and a third one from TransUnion. Not to mention the fact that an insurance company will get a different score than a car lender or mortgage broker would.
With all ...
How Can You Find Out Your True Credit Score?
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
How Credit Card Utilization Impacts Your Credit Score
Are you trying to figure out the best way to improve your credit score? One way to make a difference quickly is by changing the amount of credit utilization. This can increase your score in as little as 30 days.
What is Credit Utilization?
In basic terms, it is how much of your available credit...
How Credit Card Utilization Impacts Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
How to Get a Free Credit Score Yearly
If you have heard about the free annual credit reports that you can get, you may think this is a wonderful way to get your credit score at the same time. Unfortunately, your credit report won’t come with a credit score, but it is still something you should get every year.
Monitor Your Credit
If ...
How to Get a Free Credit Score Yearly
Monday, 3 November 2014
How to Protect Your Credit Score When You Can’t Pay All of Your Bills
The unthinkable happened. You lost your job or needed to take unpaid time off for an illness or other situation. Your hours or your pay was cut. Whatever the cause, you now are left with more bills than what you have in income to pay them. You may not have had a savings account or at least not...
How to Protect Your Credit Score When You Can’t Pay All of Your Bills
Friday, 31 October 2014
When a Personal Loan Helps Your Credit Score
Your goal may be to try to get out of debt and improve your credit score. However, if you are working on getting a better credit score, you may want to use debt to help you reach that goal. One way to do that is to get a personal loan.
Not all personal loans are a good idea. However, there are...
When a Personal Loan Helps Your Credit Score
Thursday, 30 October 2014
What You Need to Know about Credit Score vs. Mortgage Rate
If you are dreaming of buying a home but your credit is not in good enough shape to qualify for a loan, you are probably working to get it to some magic number. That magic number can change based on current lending guidelines.
In the past it was 580 and then with the housing crisis, it was 640....
What You Need to Know about Credit Score vs. Mortgage Rate
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Protecting Senior Citizens Credit Scores
Most people consider themselves to be pretty savvy when it comes to internet scams or even direct mail. As a result, they are not usually the target of these scam artists. Instead, it is those people that have not been around internet fraud or direct mail campaigns all of their lives that are...
Protecting Senior Citizens Credit Scores
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Moves to Help You Have a Clean Credit Score
If you are trying to clean up your credit score and keep it clean, you need to make some major moves. It involves a change in lifestyle that can not only help you now but for the future as well. For those who have trouble sleeping at night with money worries or are so frustrated because they can...
Moves to Help You Have a Clean Credit Score
Monday, 27 October 2014
How to Get a No-Credit-Card-Required Credit Score
Getting your credit score isn’t easy. You can’t get it when you get your free annual credit report – unless you want to pay for it. You don’t always get it when you request a report after being turned down for a loan or credit card.
When you do have a chance to get your credit score, you usually ...
How to Get a No-Credit-Card-Required Credit Score
Friday, 24 October 2014
Does Where You Shop Matter for Credit Score Tracking?
You may wonder if your favorite store is good or bad for your credit score. Or maybe you shop at a lot of stores and you worry that it might not look good for your credit. The truth is that it doesn’t matter where you shop as long as you pay your credit card bills.
You see all of the i...
Does Where You Shop Matter for Credit Score Tracking?
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Is Rent-to-Own a Good Option for Buyers with Bad Credit?
It is still the American dream for many to buy a home. Even after the housing crisis, many would-be first-time homeowners are browsing through the listings to find the place they want to call home. Because of the housing market collapse, it has gotten more difficult for many to qualify. Low...
Is Rent-to-Own a Good Option for Buyers with Bad Credit?
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
How to Raise Your Credit Score More Than 100 Points in One Month
You’ll see this claim a lot when you start researching how to improve your credit score fast. Companies make promises that you will see major results in no time. These claims sound fake to many people but for those desperate to qualify for a home or other major purchase, it may seem like a dream ...
How to Raise Your Credit Score More Than 100 Points in One Month
Monday, 20 October 2014
FICO Score Up to 692 for National Average
The average FICO score went up back in April of 2014 to 692. While it falls in the range of average credit, it is on the high end. Prior to the recession, the average score was 690.
Increased Responsibility
Two major factors are being attributed for the jump. First, people are being more...
FICO Score Up to 692 for National Average
Friday, 17 October 2014
Could Congress Help You Get a Better Credit Score?
Have you ever lamented over past mistakes that just won’t go away? You made poor decisions in the past or an unfortunate situation happened and you are paying for it years later. Legislation that is being proposed to Congress may change things for people with lower credit scores.
In this l...
Could Congress Help You Get a Better Credit Score?
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Can You Get Fired for Bad Credit?
More employers are checking credit reports as part of the hiring process. While this is controversial for many people, it is becoming standard procedure in many jobs. The result is that you may not get hired if you have bad credit. What you might not know is that you can also get fired for...
Can You Get Fired for Bad Credit?
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
When Saving Money Hurts Your Credit
One of the most basic financial lessons to learn is the importance of saving money. You may be taught by parents or grandparents from an early age to save your money. You hear about it in money classes and even in credit counseling. Read numerous articles on saving money and you will find all...
When Saving Money Hurts Your Credit
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
What Causes Errors in Your Credit Report?
The first time you look at your credit report, you may be surprised at the information that is listed. If you request reports from two or all three of the major credit reporting agencies, you may notice that the information looks different from one to another.
How can the balance on a credit...
What Causes Errors in Your Credit Report?
Monday, 13 October 2014
Is Renting to Own a Good Option If You Have a Bad Credit Score?
One of the big dreams for many people is to buy their own homes. If you have bad credit, this can be a challenge. You may have to save up money to pay off old debts to improve your credit score and then save more money for a down payment. If you’ve heard about rent to own homes, you may wonder i...
Is Renting to Own a Good Option If You Have a Bad Credit Score?
Friday, 10 October 2014
How Your Credit Score Impacts How Much House You Can Buy
When people start looking to buy a home, they often look at their credit scores. They know it is difficult to buy a home with a score below 640. Anything under 600 and it is all but impossible.
With the recent changes in some lending practices, a few lenders have loosened up their lending...
How Your Credit Score Impacts How Much House You Can Buy
Thursday, 9 October 2014
How to Keep Medical Bills from Hurting Your Credit Score
One of the big factors for lowering the credit score for many people is medical collections. Even people who are normally responsible for debt and pay their bills on time can get caught up with issues surrounding large medical payments.
While they are not the most accurate indicator of how...
How to Keep Medical Bills from Hurting Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Does Your Credit Score Matter If You Move to Another Country?
You know that moving to another state doesn’t change anything on your credit report but your address. But what if you moved to another country? Will a good credit score get you great interest rates to buy that vacation home in another country? Can you escape a bad credit score by moving o...
Does Your Credit Score Matter If You Move to Another Country?
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Settling a Debt for Less Than You Owe
If you have multiple debt collections on your record, you may wonder how you will ever pay them. The totals could amount to thousands. It may seem hopeless, especially if you live from paycheck to paycheck or barely have any extra to put in savings.
One option is to talk to your creditors about...
Settling a Debt for Less Than You Owe
Monday, 6 October 2014
How Your Career Can Affect Your Credit Score
One of the common questions that people ask about their credit scores is if their job has any impact. Directly, no. But indirectly, it can have a big impact and in several ways.
Job History Doesn’t Change Your Credit Score
Your job history or the fact that you have changed careers does not...
How Your Career Can Affect Your Credit Score
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Don"t Tweet Your Credit Score Online
It’s common to see people announcing their credit scores online. Take a look at forums and groups where people go to ask for help to improve their credit scores and you will find a lot of in-depth information. This could spell trouble for some when they least expect it.
In general,...
Don"t Tweet Your Credit Score Online
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
3 Ways Your Credit Affects Your Ability to Land a Job
More employers are asking for permission to access your credit report. They use it to analyze you as a fit for the job they are offering. What you may not realize is how they are using the information to determine if they will approve or reject your application.
1. Employers Look at Negative...
3 Ways Your Credit Affects Your Ability to Land a Job
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
3 Myths You May Believe about Credit Scores and Why They Aren"t True
If you have been trying to learn about your credit and how to improve your credit score, you may have read a lot of information. Some of it may seem contradictory. If you are checking out boards and forums, the issue may be even worse. Here are some common beliefs about credit scores and the...
3 Myths You May Believe about Credit Scores and Why They Aren"t True
Friday, 26 September 2014
Time for a Money Review
Now that summer is over and vacations are done, it is time to check your finances. If you have been diligent in your budget, this should be a simple task. However, if you have overspent, it can help you get back on track before your credit suffers.
Review Your Budget
Make sure that your budget...
Time for a Money Review
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Life Lessons Parents Can Teach Their College Kids about Credit
Some lessons you just don’t learn in a classroom. If you are one of those parents that just dropped off their kid to the first day of college, know that you still have influence on the decisions your child makes. Take the time
to teach them these important lessons on credit that they...
Life Lessons Parents Can Teach Their College Kids about Credit
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
How to Protect Your Credit Score Now That You"re Back in College
You’ve enjoyed a fun, relaxing summer with no late-night studying or reports to write. Or maybe you spent the summer working so you would have extra spending money during the school year. Now that summer is over and you are back in class, you need to remember a few things to protect your...
How to Protect Your Credit Score Now That You"re Back in College
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
How to Create a Plan to Get Out of Debt
If you have a large amount of debt, it can be overwhelming to think about. Where do you start? How long will it take? If you have a large goal like purchasing a home, you may think it can never happen. However, if you create a plan for getting out of debt, you will find that it does happen – q...
How to Create a Plan to Get Out of Debt
Monday, 22 September 2014
Best Apps to Help You Manage Your Credit Score
You have a busy schedule with numerous obligations. As much as you might like to, you don’t have a lot of time to spend managing your credit. However, it is essential that you monitor it if you are planning to buy a car or home in the next few months. Apps that you can download on your...
Best Apps to Help You Manage Your Credit Score
Friday, 19 September 2014
Fast and Easy Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
When you are looking to improve your credit score, you may think that number will never go up. One mistake and it drops immediately. More than one negative on your credit report, and you may think you are forever doomed. While it does take time to see the ill effects of your mistakes diminish,...
Fast and Easy Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Why You Should Know What Won"t Improve Your Credit Score
Credit scores are confusing. It seems that everything you do in some way affects your credit score. However, while this may feel like the case, in reality not everything about you impacts your score. Even if it is reported on your credit account, it won’t change your score. Let’s...
Why You Should Know What Won"t Improve Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Tips to Help You Improve Your Credit Score with Credit Cards
You often hear the advice to get a credit card if you want to raise your credit score. But often no one tells you how, especially if you have a bad credit score and are turned down by credit card companies. These same advisors may not tell you how to utilize your credit cards to give your score...
Tips to Help You Improve Your Credit Score with Credit Cards
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Is One Credit Card All You Need If You are a College Student?
College students can benefit from having a credit card before they graduate. It helps them establish a credit history that they will need to rent an apartment or buy a car. In addition, it will help them in the future when they want to buy a home if they have a long and positive history of...
Is One Credit Card All You Need If You are a College Student?
Monday, 15 September 2014
How to Tell That You Need to Fix Your Budget Before Your Credit Score Drops
The main reason people have low credit scores is because they can’t pay their bills. While it may simply be a lack of credit history for some, most people have a separate issue with late payments and unpaid collections.
Having a bad credit score doesn’t mean you are a bad person or...
How to Tell That You Need to Fix Your Budget Before Your Credit Score Drops
Friday, 12 September 2014
How to Improve Your Credit Score to Get a Home
If you are looking to buy a home and you have been turned down because of a low credit score, don’t give up hope. You can take action that will help you qualify for that mortgage. Some of these tips will help immediately while others may take a while.
Pay Down Credit Cards
Often just...
How to Improve Your Credit Score to Get a Home
Thursday, 11 September 2014
A New FICO Score Could Make Life Better
The new FICO Score 9 was just released, and promises good things for the average person. While this updated model has been talked about for some time, it was finally made public in an announcement by FICO and will be available for lenders and creditors.
The main changes in this model are...
A New FICO Score Could Make Life Better
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Consider Your Credit Score When Entering a Credit Card Payment Program
If your credit card debt has spiraled out of control and you are finding it difficult to make even the minimum monthly payments, you may be considering a hardship repayment plan. These plans often lower your payments either by reducing the interest rate or allowing you to pay only the interest....
Consider Your Credit Score When Entering a Credit Card Payment Program
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Can Getting Married Hurt Your Credit Score?
When you are blissfully in love, your first thought may not be about credit scores. You start thinking about wedding invitations and where the reception will be. It’s often not until later that you realize how getting married impacted your own credit.
For Better
When getting married, you...
Can Getting Married Hurt Your Credit Score?
Monday, 8 September 2014
Credit Card Mistakes that Can Damage Your Credit
Having a credit card can drastically improve your credit rating over time, especially if you have never had one before. Use it responsibly and pay your bills on time and it can be your best friend. However, there are several mistakes you can make with credit cards that can hurt your credit...
Credit Card Mistakes that Can Damage Your Credit
Friday, 5 September 2014
How to Settle a Debt and Save Your Credit Score
Late payments are terrible for your credit score, but what can hurt even worse is to have your debt go into collections. Every new collections account added to your credit report drops your score. Even though the account impacts your score less as time goes by, it can still prevent you from...
How to Settle a Debt and Save Your Credit Score
The Truth About Collections and Your Credit Score
If you have been seriously delinquent on any of your bills, they may have gone to a collection agency. If this agency reported the account to the credit reporting bureaus, it may show up on your credit report and cause your credit score to drop. Since it has such a big impact on your credit,...
The Truth About Collections and Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Protect Your Credit and Don"t Ignore Your Finances
Setting long-term financial goals is often difficult for people who are trying to rebuild credit. It is frustrating to think about how long it will take to see improvements. Whether you are trying to save extra for a down payment on a home or putting aside extra money to pay down credit cards,...
Protect Your Credit and Don"t Ignore Your Finances
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
How Refinancing Affects Your Credit Score
You may have qualified for a mortgage or auto loan but didn’t receive the best of terms. With lower interest rates and possibly better credit, you may want to refinance to lower your payments. Before you make a final decision, think about how it will impact your credit score.
A New...
How Refinancing Affects Your Credit Score
Monday, 1 September 2014
What to Do If Your Credit Card Limit is Lowered
Credit card companies can make all kinds of changes to your credit card account. While you may expect to have your credit line raised over time with a good payment history, you may be surprised to find out that the company lowers it instead. Why does this happen and what can you do?
What to Do If Your Credit Card Limit is Lowered
How Different Types of Credit Affects Your Credit Score
You know the importance of having credit if you are trying to improve your credit score. However, not all credit is created equal. Some types of credit will weigh more heavily on your score than other types. Here is a look at your choices about the types of credit you can get and which ones will...
How Different Types of Credit Affects Your Credit Score
Friday, 29 August 2014
Can Your Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?
When you ask about building credit, you often hear the advice to get a credit card. This helps establish your history of responsible financial management. It allows other creditors to see how you maintain a credit line and pay your monthly payments on time. However, you may wonder if having a...
Can Your Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Understanding Debt Utilization to Improve Your Credit Score
Making your payments on time is the single most important factor in determining your credit score. However, it is not the only factor. Debt utilization is also a big priority and can impact your credit score. In fact, it is often the area people work on when trying to improve a bad credit...
Understanding Debt Utilization to Improve Your Credit Score
Monday, 25 August 2014
Boosting Your Credit Score By Removing a Debt Collection
If you have done any research on credit scores, you probably know that one of the worst things to have on your credit report is a collection. Just one or two of these can give you a bad credit score that will take many months and even years to recover from. If you have some of these accounts on...
Boosting Your Credit Score By Removing a Debt Collection
Friday, 22 August 2014
3 Things You Need to Know About Credit Scores Before Buying a Home
If you are considering buying a home, you need to take some time to think about your credit first. It will play a substantial role in whether you get approved for a mortgage and what kind of rates you will pay. It will even impact what kind of home you can get based on your monthly payments and...
3 Things You Need to Know About Credit Scores Before Buying a Home
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Top 4 Tips to Raise Your Credit Score
If you are looking to buy a house in the future, you need to have a good credit score. Even if it is a few months or a year or two away, you can start making decisions that will raise your score. Here are three tips to help you improve your credit rating and have a better score.
Check Your...
Top 4 Tips to Raise Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
How Bad Credit Impacts Your Life
Sure, you know you need a good credit score to qualify for a mortgage, but did you know that there are many other ways it impacts your life? Here is a look at some of the ways those three little numbers can make life easier or more difficult.
Your insurance company may pull your credit...
How Bad Credit Impacts Your Life
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Deal with Medical Bills Before You Ruin Your Credit
Large medical bills can have a negative impact on your credit score. They are usually the result of a serious injury or illness. Compounded by the fact that you have been dealing with other issues, you may have been out of work and have less money to pay those bills. So, how can you avoid having...
Deal with Medical Bills Before You Ruin Your Credit
3 Easy Ways to Damage Your Credit
If you are trying to repair your credit and improve your credit score, you are probably looking at ways that you can make that happen. However, it is just as important to know what you are doing wrong that may sabotage your good efforts.
Maxing Out Your Credit Even If You Pay It Off
If you have...
3 Easy Ways to Damage Your Credit
Monday, 18 August 2014
3 Budget Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Credit Score
You may wonder how your budget decisions can impact your credit score, especially since your bank information is not included in your credit report. The fact is that one decision often affects another one. In the case of your credit, if you make mistakes with your budget, the first place you are...
3 Budget Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Credit Score
Friday, 15 August 2014
What To Do If You Have Old Debt
If you remember a time when you were irresponsible or life circumstances prevented you from paying all of your bills, you may find that they will come back to haunt you someday. Any time an old debt shows up on your credit report, it can do serious damage to your credit score. Pretending old...
What To Do If You Have Old Debt
Thursday, 14 August 2014
What Age is Right to Teach Kids About Having Good Credit?
Most parents lecture their teenagers about getting a job, saving money and how they spend the money they earn. But can you start even earlier teaching your kids about credit and the importance of having good credit?
The Importance of Early Learning
Many banks have programs where they teach kids...
What Age is Right to Teach Kids About Having Good Credit?
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Recognizing Good Credit Advice from Bad
If you are trying to improve your credit score, you are probably doing a lot of research. You may be checking to see how to improve a bad credit score or what kind of information raises or lowers a credit score. However, not all information you receive will be good credit advice. You need to...
Recognizing Good Credit Advice from Bad
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
How to Maintain Good Credit Once You are Free From Debt
You’ve worked hard to rebuild your credit by paying off bills and eliminating credit card balances. As a result of your diligence, you have seen your credit score rise. But how do you maintain that good credit score and still stay out of debt?
Take Pride in Your Achievement
It’s okay...
How to Maintain Good Credit Once You are Free From Debt
Monday, 11 August 2014
Does Credit Repair Mean Not Having Any Fun?
If you have made it a goal to pay off your debts and improve your credit score, you may have set up a strict budget. The plan may be to use every spare penny to paying down credit card balances or paying off old collections. Yes, you are dedicated to the cause, but does it mean you can’t...
Does Credit Repair Mean Not Having Any Fun?
Can You Have Good Credit without Debt?
One of the misconceptions about having a good credit score is that you must be in debt to see your score improve. This is not the case at all. You do have to show that you have a history of paying your bills when credit is extended to you, but that is not the same thing as being in debt.
Can You Have Good Credit without Debt?
3 Ways You Can Get a Free Credit Score
You know how important your credit score is and how it impacts your ability to get credit cards, car loans and even a mortgage. At the same time, it can be difficult to find out what your score is. The first step in improving your credit score is to know what it is currently. Here are three ways...
3 Ways You Can Get a Free Credit Score
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Tips to Improve a Really Bad Credit Score
If your credit score is so low that you can’t ever imagine getting an approval for any type of credit, don’t give up. All hope is not lost. It can take some time and a lot of effort, but you can get your good credit back.
Create a Plan
The first step is to know what you have to work...
Tips to Improve a Really Bad Credit Score
Friday, 8 August 2014
How to Remove Negative Information from Your Credit Report
If you’ve been in the unfortunate situation where you let a bill slide and it ended up in collections, you know how much it can hurt your credit. The effort to repair your credit often seems to take much longer than for one mistake to damage. If only you could undo it…
Be Patient
Nothing l...
How to Remove Negative Information from Your Credit Report
Thursday, 7 August 2014
What You Should Know About Reading Your Credit Report
You hear the advice often: get your credit report and read it for errors. Sounds easy enough, right? But then you order the report and either download it or wait for it to arrive in the mail. Once you have it on your screen or in your hands, you begin to read. But what are you looking for? And...
What You Should Know About Reading Your Credit Report
Starting with a Credit Score of Zero
It won’t actually be zero, but if you have never had credit in the past, it will be pretty low. There is no one standard number that credit agencies start you out at, but it is often lower than the average person with a credit history.
No Credit Worse than Bad Credit
You’ve probably...
Starting with a Credit Score of Zero
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Why Insurance Companies Check Your Credit Score
You may have heard that insurance companies now check your credit history to determine the rates you will pay for a policy. This does not make sense to a lot of people, but it is a current practice. So, why does your credit score matter to insurance companies when you are paying ahead for your...
Why Insurance Companies Check Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
How to Make a Dispute on Your Credit Report
If you have recently requested a copy of your credit report and discovered an error, you may wonder what to do. How do you dispute inaccurate information? While it isn’t difficult, you want to do it the right way.
Get the Details
Make sure you know exactly what is incorrect on your report....
How to Make a Dispute on Your Credit Report
Monday, 4 August 2014
Selecting the Right Credit Card to Help Your Credit Score
You’ve probably read many times that getting a credit card will help improve your credit score. In fact, if you don’t have credit or are trying to rebuild it, a credit card can make a big difference in your score after just a few months. But which
credit card is the right...
Selecting the Right Credit Card to Help Your Credit Score
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Improve a Bad Credit Score with On-Time Payments
Without a doubt, the single most important factor to what kind of credit score you will have is if you pay your bills on time. One late payment can drop your score by as much as 100 points or more. In fact, the scores that are hurt the worst are often the highest scores.
While on-time payments...
Improve a Bad Credit Score with On-Time Payments
Friday, 1 August 2014
How Debt Settlement Affects Credit Scores
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the massive amount of debt you have, you may be looking for answers. Debt settlement could appear like the right way to go, but how will it affect your credit score? Remember that any decision you make can impact your score for a long time.
How Debt Settlement...
How Debt Settlement Affects Credit Scores
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Getting a Credit Score Without a Credit Card
Ask almost any expert how to build or rebuild credit, and they will tell you to get a credit card. If you can prove you are responsible with that small line of credit, it will help establish your dependability for car loans and someday, even a mortgage. However, you may be wary of credit cards...
Getting a Credit Score Without a Credit Card
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Don"t Let a Move Damage Your Credit
When you are moving to a new place, you have a dozen things on your mind. Often, your credit isn’t one of them. At least not until you get a notice from a collections agency or you pull your credit report and find an account listed that you weren’t aware of.
How Credit Gets Damaged...
Don"t Let a Move Damage Your Credit
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Why Good Credit is Important for Single Parents
Having good credit is important for everyone. It affects many aspects of a person’s life, from buying a home or car to getting car insurance. It can even impact what job you get. But for single parents, a good credit score may matter even more.
When you get divorced and become a single...
Why Good Credit is Important for Single Parents
Monday, 28 July 2014
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Pay Off Debt
Have you ever noticed after you’ve paid off your student loan, car loan or other debt that your credit score drops? How about after paying off your home mortgage or major credit card? Before you panic, there are a several factors as to why your credit score can fluctuate on a weekly b...
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Pay Off Debt
When An Old Debt Shows Up On Your Credit Report
You may be one of those people that likes to keep track of your credit on a regular basis, or you may be checking it for a future home purchase. Whatever reason you have for checking your credit, you get a sickening feeling when a debt shows up on your report and knocks your credit score down – d...
When An Old Debt Shows Up On Your Credit Report
Friday, 25 July 2014
Credit Repair Scams: Just Say No
Many people want better credit. They know the key to getting a new car or home is a good credit score. If they have had trouble with credit in the past, they may feel that it is impossible to erase their bad choices. While this is often true, there are plenty of companies that tell you they can...
Credit Repair Scams: Just Say No
Thursday, 24 July 2014
How to Tackle Debt to Raise Your Credit Score
One of the things many people do when they want to improve their credit score is to tackle their old debts. They believe that by paying off old credit cards, collections and other debts, they will improve their credit rating and qualify for that mortgage or car loan they want. Here are some...
How to Tackle Debt to Raise Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
How Other People Can Ruin Your Credit Score
Most people know that they can damage their own credit by the decisions they make. They also realize what those decisions are. However, they may not think about the ways that other people can also damage their credit scores.
When You Co-Sign
If you co-sign on any account, your credit could...
How Other People Can Ruin Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
How Often Should You Look at Your Credit Reports?
You hear a lot of advice about checking your credit reports, always knowing what is on those reports. You never know when you could be the victim of fraud if you don’t check them. But how often is too often and when do you really need to check up on your credit reports?
Looking for Loans...
How Often Should You Look at Your Credit Reports?
Does Age Matter for a Credit Score?
You may wonder if your age factors in at all on your credit score. It certainly seems to influence many aspects of your life. However, with credit reports, your age doesn’t matter. On the other hand, your credit age does matter.
Age of Accounts
The age of your oldest account plays a role...
Does Age Matter for a Credit Score?
Monday, 21 July 2014
Can You Teach Your Teen about Credit with a Credit Card?
Parents work to give their teenagers the information and experience to be successful adults someday. Many wonder if giving them their own credit card while they are still living at home and under Mom and Dad’s watchful eye is a good way to teach them about credit. That depends on your kids...
Can You Teach Your Teen about Credit with a Credit Card?
Friday, 18 July 2014
When You Don"t Have Enough Credit
While many people worry because they have too much credit, it is easy to go in the other direction and not have enough. They work hard to clean up bad debts, pay off credit cards and collections, and vow never to get in that situation again. Their answer is to pay everything with cash and never...
When You Don"t Have Enough Credit
Is Rent-to-Own the Only Option for Buyers with Bad Credit Scores?
You’ve seen the ads. Pay only $20 a week and that brand new HDTV will be yours. Rent-to-own stores make their deals look so attractive and many people fall for the ads. But for those with bad credit scores, they may see it as the only way to get the item they want.
The truth about...
Is Rent-to-Own the Only Option for Buyers with Bad Credit Scores?
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Is Rapid Rescore Good or Bad for Your Credit?
If you have ever applied or researched about mortgages, you may have come across the term “rapid rescore.” This is mainly done for those that want to get a mortgage but have a credit score just below the cut-off point. They may have a score of 625 but need it to be 640.
When your...
Is Rapid Rescore Good or Bad for Your Credit?
Biggest Credit Card Mistakes That Hurt Your Credit Score
Many people think that not paying your credit cards is the only thing that can damage your credit score. However, there are a number of things that you can do to hurt it even if you make your monthly payments. Here are some things you should be avoid to keep your credit score looking good.
Biggest Credit Card Mistakes That Hurt Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
VantageScore vs. FICO Score: Which One Matters to You?
Most people have heard of the FICO score, which is well-known in the credit and lending industries. It is the score by which many creditors decide whether or not to approve your application. However, VantageScore is a direct competitor to the longstanding FICO and has a few major...
VantageScore vs. FICO Score: Which One Matters to You?
Payments that Don"t Help Your Credit Score
It doesn’t seem fair that a person that makes payments on time every month could have a low credit score. Unfortunately, many of your monthly payments don’t impact your score because they never show up on your credit report. Here are the payments you make that won’t help your...
Payments that Don"t Help Your Credit Score
How Often Does My Credit Score Change?
The short answer to this question is constantly. It may not change every minute, but it will most likely be different every time you look at it whether it is once a month or once a week. It will also be different based on which source you are using.
Why Does Your Credit Score Change?
Your credit...
How Often Does My Credit Score Change?
How Little Fees Can Damage Your Credit
Ever have a parking ticket that you forgot to pay? Or an overdue library book that you could never find so you just avoided going back to the library? Have you ever wondered if those “little fees” that are charged to you could every impact your credit?
Little Things that Do Big...
How Little Fees Can Damage Your Credit
How Getting Insurance Quotes Affects Your Credit
Many people now know that insurance companies check your credit before accepting your application for an insurance policy. The credit report plays a key role in what rate you are given and how much you have to pay. However, you may wonder how it impacts your credit score when a provider requests...
How Getting Insurance Quotes Affects Your Credit
Are You Really Making a Difference with Your Credit Score?
You may be planning to buy a house or a new car or you may have another reason to be focusing on your credit score. But if you are working to improve it, how can you know that what you are doing is really helping?
Reading Advice
One of the things many people do when they are trying to improve...
Are You Really Making a Difference with Your Credit Score?
What Does (And Doesn"t) Work to Improve Credit Scores
Many people that are looking to buy a home or make another large credit purchase find out what their credit scores are. When they discover that they are not high enough for the credit approval, they may begin working to improve their credit scores. However, not everything they do has the same...
What Does (And Doesn"t) Work to Improve Credit Scores
How Your Credit Score Affects Getting a Mortgage
One of the most popular reasons that people check their credit scores is to get a mortgage. It is often not until they are turned down for a home loan or they are just about to apply for one that they even pay attention to their scores. Even then, they may not understand how that number affects...
How Your Credit Score Affects Getting a Mortgage
How Getting Out of Debt Can Improve Your Credit Score
If you have a lot of credit card debt, you may have a lower credit score. Getting that debt paid off will most likely result in an improvement of your credit score. How much of an improvement depends on what other negative information is on the report and what you do. Here is how to improve your...
How Getting Out of Debt Can Improve Your Credit Score
How Debt Consolidation Affects Your Credit Score
If you have numerous credit cards, personal loans, and other forms of debt, you may think that consolidating all of that debt will help you. But what about your credit score? It can help or hurt your score, depending on the method you choose. Here is a look at common ways to consolidate debt and...
How Debt Consolidation Affects Your Credit Score
Facts You Should Know about Inquiries and Your Credit Scores
While many people understand the overall concept of credit scores, many of the details are confusing. Here are some facts about your credit that you need to understand.
Who Sees Your Credit Score?
You sit down with someone for a loan, credit application, or other application and they want to see...
Facts You Should Know about Inquiries and Your Credit Scores
Collections and Your Credit
A collections account on your credit report is one of the worst things that can happen for your credit score. When people start looking at improving their scores, cleaning up collection accounts is one area where they focus. Unfortunately, they don’t always understand how these accounts...
Collections and Your Credit
Will Your Credit Score Recover If You Don"t Pay an Old Debt?
It’s much easier to get in financial trouble than you think. You get numerous offers for credit cards that you apply for and get approved. You start to use them and even think “I’ll pay it off when it comes due.” You continue to spend and rack up more debt that you...
Will Your Credit Score Recover If You Don"t Pay an Old Debt?
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Get Out of Debt
There is a common misconception that you must be in debt in order to have good credit. While this is not really the case, it often seems that way.
When Debt Means Good Credit
People that have a variety of credit and are responsible with it often have the best credit scores. This happens because...
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Get Out of Debt
Why an Emergency Fund Can Save Your Credit Score
You’ve probably heard the advice that almost everyone should have an emergency fund. If you’ve never started one, you should probably consider doing so. While there are many reasons for having one, here is another: it can save your credit score.
Protecting Your Credit Score
Why an Emergency Fund Can Save Your Credit Score
Can Your Credit Score Really Jump 50 Points in Just a Few Months?
You’ve heard the stories where someone decided to repair their credit score and it jumps 50, 60 or even 100 points in three or four months. You wonder if this is even possible. If it is possible, you don’t understand why you can’t figure out the secret after reading countless...
Can Your Credit Score Really Jump 50 Points in Just a Few Months?
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Beware of Roommates and Your Credit Score
You may think sharing an apartment with one or more roommates is the way to save money. It can be if you are careful. Sharing expenses allows you to live in a nicer place than what you could afford on your own, and you aren’t stuck paying all of the bills. However, there are some negative...
Beware of Roommates and Your Credit Score
Monday, 14 July 2014
VantageScore vs. FICO Score: Which One Matters to You?
Most people have heard of the FICO score, which is well-known in the credit and lending industries. It is the score by which many creditors decide whether or not to approve your application. However, VantageScore is a direct competitor to the longstanding FICO and has a few major...
VantageScore vs. FICO Score: Which One Matters to You?
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Payments that Don"t Help Your Credit Score
It doesn’t seem fair that a person that makes payments on time every month could have a low credit score. Unfortunately, many of your monthly payments don’t impact your score because they never show up on your credit report. Here are the payments you make that won’t help your...
Payments that Don"t Help Your Credit Score
Saturday, 12 July 2014
How Often Does My Credit Score Change?
The short answer to this question is constantly. It may not change every minute, but it will most likely be different every time you look at it whether it is once a month or once a week. It will also be different based on which source you are using.
Why Does Your Credit Score Change?
Your credit...
How Often Does My Credit Score Change?
Friday, 11 July 2014
How Little Fees Can Damage Your Credit
Ever have a parking ticket that you forgot to pay? Or an overdue library book that you could never find so you just avoided going back to the library? Have you ever wondered if those “little fees” that are charged to you could every impact your credit?
Little Things that Do Big...
How Little Fees Can Damage Your Credit
Thursday, 10 July 2014
How Getting Insurance Quotes Affects Your Credit
Many people now know that insurance companies check your credit before accepting your application for an insurance policy. The credit report plays a key role in what rate you are given and how much you have to pay. However, you may wonder how it impacts your credit score when a provider requests...
How Getting Insurance Quotes Affects Your Credit
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Are You Really Making a Difference with Your Credit Score?
You may be planning to buy a house or a new car or you may have another reason to be focusing on your credit score. But if you are working to improve it, how can you know that what you are doing is really helping?
Reading Advice
One of the things many people do when they are trying to improve...
Are You Really Making a Difference with Your Credit Score?
What Does (And Doesn"t) Work to Improve Credit Scores
Many people that are looking to buy a home or make another large credit purchase find out what their credit scores are. When they discover that they are not high enough for the credit approval, they may begin working to improve their credit scores. However, not everything they do has the same...
What Does (And Doesn"t) Work to Improve Credit Scores
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
How Your Credit Score Affects Getting a Mortgage
One of the most popular reasons that people check their credit scores is to get a mortgage. It is often not until they are turned down for a home loan or they are just about to apply for one that they even pay attention to their scores. Even then, they may not understand how that number affects...
How Your Credit Score Affects Getting a Mortgage
Monday, 7 July 2014
How Getting Out of Debt Can Improve Your Credit Score
If you have a lot of credit card debt, you may have a lower credit score. Getting that debt paid off will most likely result in an improvement of your credit score. How much of an improvement depends on what other negative information is on the report and what you do. Here is how to improve your...
How Getting Out of Debt Can Improve Your Credit Score
Friday, 4 July 2014
How Debt Consolidation Affects Your Credit Score
If you have numerous credit cards, personal loans, and other forms of debt, you may think that consolidating all of that debt will help you. But what about your credit score? It can help or hurt your score, depending on the method you choose. Here is a look at common ways to consolidate debt and...
How Debt Consolidation Affects Your Credit Score
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Facts You Should Know about Inquiries and Your Credit Scores
While many people understand the overall concept of credit scores, many of the details are confusing. Here are some facts about your credit that you need to understand.
Who Sees Your Credit Score?
You sit down with someone for a loan, credit application, or other application and they want to see...
Facts You Should Know about Inquiries and Your Credit Scores
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Collections and Your Credit
A collections account on your credit report is one of the worst things that can happen for your credit score. When people start looking at improving their scores, cleaning up collection accounts is one area where they focus. Unfortunately, they don’t always understand how these accounts...
Collections and Your Credit
Will Your Credit Score Recover If You Don"t Pay an Old Debt?
It’s much easier to get in financial trouble than you think. You get numerous offers for credit cards that you apply for and get approved. You start to use them and even think “I’ll pay it off when it comes due.” You continue to spend and rack up more debt that you...
Will Your Credit Score Recover If You Don"t Pay an Old Debt?
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Get Out of Debt
There is a common misconception that you must be in debt in order to have good credit. While this is not really the case, it often seems that way.
When Debt Means Good Credit
People that have a variety of credit and are responsible with it often have the best credit scores. This happens because...
Why Credit Scores Drop When You Get Out of Debt
Monday, 30 June 2014
Why an Emergency Fund Can Save Your Credit Score
You’ve probably heard the advice that almost everyone should have an emergency fund. If you’ve never started one, you should probably consider doing so. While there are many reasons for having one, here is another: it can save your credit score.
Protecting Your Credit Score
Why an Emergency Fund Can Save Your Credit Score
Friday, 27 June 2014
Reasons to Check Your Credit Score
If you’ve never checked your credit reports or score, you’re not alone. Many people don’t see the need to check their credit. They may pay their bills on time and assume they have great credit. Or they may have messed up in the past and be pretty confident that their score is...
Reasons to Check Your Credit Score
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Is There a Catch with Free Credit Reports?
When someone says something is free, we often wonder if there is a catch. It makes people just a bit wary because you learn early in life that nothing is truly free. So, is there a catch or trick to getting a “free” credit report?
Yes – and No
It depends on where you look for a free c...
Is There a Catch with Free Credit Reports?
Is a 671 Credit Score Good?
If you have a credit score of 671, you may wonder where that puts you on the list of good to bad credit and what it means. While this is a score that is better than a lot of others, there is still room for improvement. The good news is that it shouldn’t be hard to see your score continue...
Is a 671 Credit Score Good?
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Why Credit Scores Matter When Looking for an Apartment to Rent
Most people are aware that credit is important when it comes to buying a home. However, they may not realize that it is just as important when you are looking to rent. Many landlords are checking credit history before approving applicants.
While they can’t see the actual credit score,...
Why Credit Scores Matter When Looking for an Apartment to Rent
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Who is Responsible for Your Credit Information?
You generate a lot of date, and much of it is collected by companies. Everyone from Facebook to credit card companies is keeping track of the information they have on you. So, who is responsible for that information?
Limited Access
While you can demand a copy of your credit report from the major...
Who is Responsible for Your Credit Information?
Monday, 23 June 2014
Is a 628 Credit Score Bad?
If you have a 628 credit score, you may wonder where that puts you. What can you do with a 628 score? Here is a look at what it means and how you can improve it.
What Does a Credit Score of 628 Mean?
Technically, you would be considered to have poor to fair credit, depending on the creditor and...
Is a 628 Credit Score Bad?
Friday, 20 June 2014
How Parents Impact Their Kids" Credit Scores
Have you thought about what kind of credit score your child will have when he or she becomes an adult? While you may dream about their career choices, which college they attend or who they marry, you may not think about their future credit. That is a big mistake that can cost them in the...
How Parents Impact Their Kids" Credit Scores
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Don"t Make These Common Credit Mistakes After Buying a Home
Many people start watching their credit when they decide to buy a home. They focus on saving money, reducing debt, and improving their credit scores. Once they get the keys to their new home, they may forget about their credit. They’ve reached their goal, and credit doesn’t seem to...
Don"t Make These Common Credit Mistakes After Buying a Home
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
How Moving Companies Use Visa (Credit Cards) to Defraud the Public
Our mandate at Credit Score Resource to provide you with information that will help you improve your credit score but to also provide you with information on fraudulent behaviour that certain industries use to deceive the general public. I received an e-mail from a lady by the name of Melanie ...
How Moving Companies Use Visa (Credit Cards) to Defraud the Public
Can You Fix Your Credit in Six Months?
Are you looking to buy a home or new car in six months or a year? You may be wondering if that gives you enough time to clean up your credit so that you can qualify for a loan. Is six months long enough to repair your credit?
What’s Wrong with Your Credit?
If you have some late payments or...
Can You Fix Your Credit in Six Months?
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Don"t Rely on Credit Score Calculators
Credit score calculators are wonderful tools for providing you with an idea of what your credit score might be. They are usually quick and easy to use and give you the information you are looking for in just a matter of minutes. However, don’t rely solely on them to gauge what your credit...
Don"t Rely on Credit Score Calculators
Monday, 16 June 2014
Should Employers Be Allowed To View Your Credit? How Effective Is The Practice?
When you have a passion for your work as I do, you’re eventually going to encounter individuals that have a different point of view. How those individuals discuss their contrary views says more about them than it ever will about what they’re debating. The other day, Mr. John Ul...
Should Employers Be Allowed To View Your Credit? How Effective Is The Practice?
Is 582 a Good Credit Score?
If you have a 582 credit score, you may be concerned about what that means for you. While it is categorized as either poor or very poor depending on the model used, it is actually not as bad as it could be.
Room for Improvement
You do have a lot of room for improvement. If you have a credit...
Is 582 a Good Credit Score?
Friday, 13 June 2014
Is a 489 credit score bad?
Let’s put it this way. With a range of 350-800, depending on what scoring model you are looking at, it could be worse. But it needs to be a whole lot better if you plan to buy a home, a car, or enjoy the good life.
The credit score of 489 means you have had some serious trouble with your...
Is a 489 credit score bad?
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Is a 657 Credit Score Good Enough?
Checking your credit score is part of being financially responsible. Many people check theirs when they are considering a home or car loan. When they discover their score is 657, they may wonder if it is good enough.
Yes – And No
With a 657 credit score, you can enjoy a lot of benefits of c...
Is a 657 Credit Score Good Enough?
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
TV Families with Bad Credit
Have you thought about the lifestyles of some of your favorite TV families? While some of them may live fabulous lives because of the money they have, many television families are just like everyone else. They work hard, raise their kids, and try to pay the bills. However, if you checked the...
TV Families with Bad Credit
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Why You Don"t Need a Perfect Credit Score
If you are a competitive, goal-oriented person, you may never settle for anything less than the best. This may be true even if you are trying to raise your credit score. As you work on improving your credit, you may set your sights on the perfect credit score, which in many cases is an 850....
Why You Don"t Need a Perfect Credit Score
Monday, 9 June 2014
Why Income Doesn"t Matter to Your Credit Score
Some people mistakenly think that their credit score is affected by how much they make. However, this is not the case. And when you get a promotion or job change that includes a pay raise, it won’t be reflected in an improved credit score. At least not in the way you think.
Why Income Doesn"t Matter to Your Credit Score
What You Should Know about Being an Authorized User to Protect Your Credit Score
One of the best ways to improve a low credit score is to become an authorized user on someone else’s account. If they have an excellent credit history, this will help your credit score to rise. However, there are things both parties need to be aware of before taking this action.
What You Should Know about Being an Authorized User to Protect Your Credit Score
Friday, 6 June 2014
Is a 536 Credit Score Bad?
You will find it very difficult to obtain financing if you have a credit score of 536. It’s not impossible, but there are few creditors willing to take the risk with a low credit score. For the offers you do qualify for, expect to pay higher interest rates. If you happen to qualify for any...
Is a 536 Credit Score Bad?
Thursday, 5 June 2014
How to Improve Your Credit Score with No Work
You live a busy life with work, family and other obligations. You just don’t have the time to work on improving your credit the way you’d like to. Here are a few ways to improve your credit score without doing any work.
Age Your Accounts
This one requires nothing from you. Just keep...
How to Improve Your Credit Score with No Work
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Don"t Guess on Your Credit Score
You’ve probably seen those credit score calculators online if you’ve been looking for information on credit scores. They are easy to use and can give you a number in just a matter of seconds once you input the information. However, they are really just an estimate, a guess.
Don"t Guess on Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
When Fixing Your Credit Score Backfires
If you have a bad credit score and are trying to improve it so you can buy a house or car, you probably have been doing a lot of research online. You may be trying to find the best methods of credit repair that you can do yourself. You may even be looking for a quick fix so you can make your...
When Fixing Your Credit Score Backfires
6 Ways to Minimize Exposure to Identity Theft
Identity theft is on the rise, and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. And the perpetrators are becoming more sophisticated than ever. What’s even worse is that once you have been victimized, it can be a time-consuming nightmare to plead your case and sort things out.
Fortunately, there ...
6 Ways to Minimize Exposure to Identity Theft
What You Don"t Know About Your Credit Reports
Credit reports are often confusing. You hear a lot from experts that tell you to check your report for mistakes and know what is on it. But what happens when you look at your report and you don’t know what it means? There is a lot of confusing information on these reports, which is why...
What You Don"t Know About Your Credit Reports
Monday, 2 June 2014
The Best Car Model for Buyers with Bad Credit Scores
If you are planning to buy a new car, you probably already have a wish list. You may know exactly what kind of car you want or have some features that are important to you. You also may be financially savvy and already know your credit score. But did you know that your credit score may influence...
The Best Car Model for Buyers with Bad Credit Scores
Friday, 30 May 2014
Is a 655 Credit Score Good?
If you have a credit score of 655, you have several credit opportunities. In many cases, you may even be considered to have fair credit. Others will still classify you as bad credit, but not very bad or very poor. Having good credit is certainly within reach if you continue to work at it.
Is a 655 Credit Score Good?
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Is a 602 Credit Score Bad?
If you have a 602 credit score, it would be classified as bad. However, if it is improving from where it has been, that is good news. Your credit score has passed a few milestones that makes it more attractive to creditors.
One such milestone is 580. A few years ago, this number was considered...
Is a 602 Credit Score Bad?
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Can Heartbleed and Other Bugs Ruin Your Credit Score?
If you’ve been on the internet at all recently, you’ve probably heard about the latest attack on systems called Heartbleed. Many organizations and businesses have been working ardently to protect their systems and their users’ information. You may assume that you will be...
Can Heartbleed and Other Bugs Ruin Your Credit Score?
Why Do Cat Owners Have Higher Credit Scores than Dog Owners?
Much research has been done on why people choose the pets they do. Often it is because of the personality of the person and how it meshes with the particular animal. If that is the case, it is feasible that people who own cats have a different personality than people who own dogs.
Why Do Cat Owners Have Higher Credit Scores than Dog Owners?
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
What is a Credit Score Range?
Credit agencies and even creditors have a credit score range that they use. The standard for FICO and many other agencies is 301 to 850. Within that range, you will find several categories. They will be labeled as bad, poor, fair, good and excellent credit.
So, do I have good or excellent...
What is a Credit Score Range?
Monday, 26 May 2014
How To Identify And Protect Yourself From Credit Repair Scams
We’ve all heard the claims on the television and seen the signs everywhere. “Fix your credit for a flat rate” or “Clean up your credit in less than 30 days”. Sound familiar?
These are just a few of the too good to be true promises that so-called credit repair companies make when trying to swindle...
How To Identify And Protect Yourself From Credit Repair Scams
Is a 648 Credit Score Good Enough?
Did you just find out you have a 648 credit score? Are you wondering whether to celebrate or be discouraged? Do you have a good credit score or is it good enough to qualify for a loan?
It Depends
The short answer is that it depends. It depends on what credit score range a creditor is using. Many...
Is a 648 Credit Score Good Enough?
Friday, 23 May 2014
Is a 576 Credit Score Bad?
Have you checked your score recently and found out it is 576? If so, you may wonder what that means for you. Do you have a bad credit score, and if so, just how bad is it?
Not So Bad
If you categorize your credit score of 576, it would fall under the “Bad” category or...
Is a 576 Credit Score Bad?
Friday, 21 March 2014
Should Credit Scores Be Used for Employment?
One of the big conversations regarding credit scores on Twitter is in regards to employment. Should employers have access to your credit score, and should they use it to decide whether to hire you or not?
One post said that it should be outlawed to use credit scores as part of the screening...
Should Credit Scores Be Used for Employment?
What Have You Posted on Facebook Lately That Will Hurt Your Credit Score?
Social networks have been gaining ground as solid places to obtain information about people. College recruiters and admissions use it as a way to determine who is a good candidate for their schools. Employers and HR personnel check online profiles of job candidates. Now lenders may be using your...
What Have You Posted on Facebook Lately That Will Hurt Your Credit Score?
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Are Student Loans Included In Bankruptcy?
For the most part, student loans cannot be discharged through the bankruptcy process. In other words, you’ll still owe the full amount when you’re through. However, there are extenuating circumstances that may apply in rare cases. Here are the tests the courts apply when considering...
Are Student Loans Included In Bankruptcy?
What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Personal bankruptcy is declared when an individual can no longer repay their debts. This may be the result of a lower income due to job loss or it may be the result of irresponsible spending. There are many different reasons for declaring bankruptcy, and several different types.
Chapter 13...
What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Do You Have a Facebook Credit Score?
Facebook and other social media sites play a bigger role in our everyday lives than people ever thought would be possible. Recruiters use these sites to determine if an applicant is hirable material, so why should anyone be surprised if they are also used as information for lenders and other...
Do You Have a Facebook Credit Score?
Can You Improve a Bad Credit History?
When you have bad credit, it can be difficult to get credit and loans. Even if you are approved, it is often at higher interest rates. But you don’t have to be stuck with a bad credit rating forever.
Your Credit History is Important
Your credit history provides a picture that tells...
Can You Improve a Bad Credit History?
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Bad Credit Scores Can Hurt You in Many Ways
While you may know that bad credit scores can have a negative impact on loan and credit applications, you may not think about all of the other ways they can affect your life. People look at your credit score to determine how responsible you are and if you pay your bills on time. Here are some...
Bad Credit Scores Can Hurt You in Many Ways
How to Start Out Right With Credit
If you’ve just received your first credit card, congratulations. You are now part of the millions of people who have a credit history. The time to learn about being a responsible manager of credit is before you swipe that card for the first time. Follow these tips and you will be well on...
How to Start Out Right With Credit
Monday, 17 March 2014
Find Out Your Credit Score: Here are 5 Reasons Why
Many people assume they know their credit standing. “Oh, I have terrible credit; I couldn’t get a loan,” they say. Or worse yet, they assume they have great credit until they are turned down for a loan or credit application. It’s important to know your credit score; here...
Find Out Your Credit Score: Here are 5 Reasons Why
How To Establish Credit From Scratch
No credit, no problem! Sound familiar? It’s a common tagline used amongst small buy here pay here auto dealerships to attract those with little to no credit history. And it doesn’t sound like such a bad deal until they whip out the ridiculous financing terms.
Exorbitant interest rates and str...
How To Establish Credit From Scratch
What Credit Score Do I Need for Arizona RoomStore Credit?
The Arizona RoomStore is a locally owned furniture retailer with stores in several Arizona cities. It features many name brands for every room in your home. It also offers the option to finance your purchases if you do not want to pay it in full at the time.
The Arizona RoomStore credit card is...
What Credit Score Do I Need for Arizona RoomStore Credit?
Friday, 14 March 2014
What Credit Score Do I Need to Get Star Furniture Credit?
Star Furniture is a retailer that serves customers in Texas. You can also shop for items online and add them to your shopping list. You can find everything from living room and bedroom furniture to drapery and area rugs. If you do not want to pay for your purchases with cash, you can apply for...
What Credit Score Do I Need to Get Star Furniture Credit?
5 Steps to a Better Credit Score
Here are a few things you can do to improve your credit score. Some will make a difference quicker than others, but all will take you in the right direction.
1. Ask for a credit line increase. If you are able to handle credit responsibly and don’t max it out each month, you can ask your...
5 Steps to a Better Credit Score
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Is Your Credit Score Too Low to Get a Mortgage?
You may be concerned that your credit score is too low to get a home loan. In fact, you may have already been turned down by one or more lenders. If you are at the point of giving up on the American Dream, don’t despair quite yet. You do have other options.
A Traditional Mortgage
If you...
Is Your Credit Score Too Low to Get a Mortgage?
Can Bankruptcy Improve Your Credit Score?
Most people would immediately assume that the answer to this question would be “no.” After all, bankruptcy is often viewed as a negative option, a last resort when you can’t pay your bills. So, how could it possibly improve your credit score?
A Clean Slate
Once your debts have...
Can Bankruptcy Improve Your Credit Score?
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
What About Your Hidden Credit Score?
After the housing crisis of 2008, many lenders tightened their restrictions and only approved loans for those with excellent credit. Now that the economy is recovering, some lenders are trying to ease those restrictions and provide loans for people with subprime credit.
Subprime Credit
What About Your Hidden Credit Score?
How One Change Can Improve Your Credit Score
There is one thing you can do that will drastically change your credit score. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen in time. And that one thing is to pay your bills on time. It sounds easy, right? And yet, it can be quite difficult.
Whether you live on commissions that change or...
How One Change Can Improve Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Tracking Debit Card Usage to Improve a Credit Score
Suze Orman, a personal financial expert with her own show, has begun a campaign on to change the way credit scores are calculated by creating a petition to have debit card usage added to credit reports. This could allow many people to have a broader credit history who currently...
Tracking Debit Card Usage to Improve a Credit Score
Could Your Facebook Friends Hurt Your Chances of Getting a Loan And Hurt Your Credit Score?
When you apply for a home loan, you expect your lender to pull your credit report, check your employment history, and do other background research. But do you expect them to check up on you on Facebook?
That is exactly what is happening with some lenders. While it is not yet a widespread...
Could Your Facebook Friends Hurt Your Chances of Getting a Loan And Hurt Your Credit Score?
Monday, 10 March 2014
Understand How Debt Consolidation Works
The object of debt consolidation is simply what the word “consolidation” indicates; you lump all the debts you have into one payment to make your budget easier to live with and your life less stressful. This can make it easier to pay your debts, and it can even make it possible to pay them off so...
Understand How Debt Consolidation Works
What Credit Score is Needed for a Wolf Furniture Credit Card?
Wolf Furniture is a furniture retailer that features classic and rustic design. They are a regional chain with stores throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland, and one store location in Virginia. Wolf’s carries furniture for the bedroom, living room, dining room, and home office, as well as...
What Credit Score is Needed for a Wolf Furniture Credit Card?
Friday, 7 March 2014
What Credit Score is Needed for a City Furniture Credit Card?
City Furniture is an environmentally conscious furniture retailer that offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor furniture and accessories that are crafted from sustainable materials. In addition, City Furniture offers residential design services. The Florida retailer has several locations...
What Credit Score is Needed for a City Furniture Credit Card?
How To Boost Your Credit Score Without Debt
Has your credit taken a hit, and you desperately need a boost to help you qualify for a lower interest rate on that big-ticket item you are looking to finance? Whether it’s a new house, car or boat, a higher credit score could substantially lower your interest rate and save you hundreds or even t...
How To Boost Your Credit Score Without Debt
What Credit Score is Needed for a Baer"s Furniture Credit Card?
Baer’s Furniture is a family-owned Florida company that offers designer furniture with both modern and classic aesthetics. They have 15 locations throughout central and south Florida. Baer’s carries a wide range of indoor and outdoor home furnishings and accessories. They also offer...
What Credit Score is Needed for a Baer"s Furniture Credit Card?
Thursday, 6 March 2014
What Credit Score is Needed for Credit at Farmer’s Home Furniture?
Farmer’s Home Furniture is one of the largest privately owned furniture stores in Georgia and has been around since 1949. They offer more than just furniture; they also sell washers, dryers, small appliances and electronics. Farmer’s Home Furniture even has toys for the kids. They have locations ...
What Credit Score is Needed for Credit at Farmer’s Home Furniture?
What Credit Score is Needed for El Dorado Furniture Credit?
El Dorado Furniture is one of Southern Florida’s largest family owned and operated furniture stores. They first opened in 1967. Since then, they have grown to twelve “Boulevard “showrooms, which are modeled as a Main Street surrounded by shops that showcase their different lines of furniture. The...
What Credit Score is Needed for El Dorado Furniture Credit?
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
What Credit Score is Needed for Sleep Country USA Credit?
Sleep Country USA is a mattress store with locations in Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. The company has been in existence since 1991 and carries a variety of mattress brands. They also have other sleep essentials, including bedding and beds. To pay for your purchases, you may qualify for one of...
What Credit Score is Needed for Sleep Country USA Credit?
What Credit Score is Needed for a RC Willey Credit Card?
RC Willey is a furniture retailer that carries everything from furniture to electronics to appliances. You can also buy flooring and mattresses and even outdoor items from RC Willey. They offer financing for anyone who cannot or doesn’t want to pay their entire balance at the time of...
What Credit Score is Needed for a RC Willey Credit Card?
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
What Credit Score Do I Need to Get Jerome"s Furniture Credit?
Jerome’s Furniture is a popular retailer that has been in business for over 60 years. They carry furniture for every room and every style from mattresses to patio furniture. You’ll even find accents and décor for your home at Jerome’s. Pay for it all with one of the financing ...
What Credit Score Do I Need to Get Jerome"s Furniture Credit?
What Credit Score Do I Need for Walker Furniture Financing?
Walker Furniture is a retailer that has been in business since 1960. The original and now largest showroom is located in Las Vegas, Nevada with several other stores in existence. The company sells furniture for your entire house, from the living room to a home office. You can also apply for...
What Credit Score Do I Need for Walker Furniture Financing?