Credit often becomes even more important or a bigger hindrance around the holidays. It can either make your holidays better because you can spend more, or it can limit how much you have to spend if you have bad credit or none at all. Here are some ways to make sure your credit is ready for this...
Is Your Credit Ready for the Holidays?
Monday, 11 December 2017
Is Your Credit Ready for the Holidays?
Friday, 8 December 2017
How to Avoid Common Holiday Gimmicks to Protect Your Credit (and Why You Should)
[R]etailers look at the holiday season as their time to make money and make up for any struggles from the rest of the year. They work to come up with all kinds of ways to bring in new business during this season. However, not all marketing ploys and gimmicks are good for you or for your credit....
How to Avoid Common Holiday Gimmicks to Protect Your Credit (and Why You Should)
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes
[S]tore credit cards are nice for a lot of users. They often come with special perks and rewards. You may get an added discount or special coupons on sales. You may gain points that can be used towards purchases. However, these benefits only work as long as your store is open. What happens to...
What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes
Friday, 1 December 2017
How Business Credit Cards Affect Your Credit Score
[B]usiness credit cards are a great option for people who own a small business. It allows them to use credit to pay for purchases or expenses when they have limited or delayed cash flow. It also makes it easier to keep personal and business expenses separate.
You should know that if your...
How Business Credit Cards Affect Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Reasons Why Your Credit Application May be Rejected Even with Excellent Credit
[I]f you have been told you have excellent credit or your credit score is in the upper 700s or even 800, you may think the sky’s the limit on applications. You get a wake-up call when a creditor tells you that your application has been rejected. How could this happen to someone with...
Reasons Why Your Credit Application May be Rejected Even with Excellent Credit
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Reasons Why an Online Bank Can Help Your Financial Status (and Your Credit)
If you’re like most people, you get into trouble with your credit because you don’t have enough money to pay the bills on time. You may live too close to the max of your budget or have too many unexpected expenses come up. If this sounds like you, then you’ll want to look for ways to get more...
Reasons Why an Online Bank Can Help Your Financial Status (and Your Credit)
Friday, 17 November 2017
Why Your Credit Score Matters If You’re a College Student
[Y]ou don’t have much money and any you do have goes towards paying your college expenses. You may wonder why a credit score even matters at this stage of your life. If you haven’t given it much thought before, you need to become aware of it now.
Your Future Depends On It
Your credit rating...
Why Your Credit Score Matters If You’re a College Student
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
What You Should Know about Credit and Car Insurance
[I]f you have poor credit, you probably know it will impact your ability to get a credit card or loan. However, it can also influence how much you will pay for car insurance. The connection between credit rating and car insurance may seem odd to consumers, but it is an essential combination for...
What You Should Know about Credit and Car Insurance
Monday, 13 November 2017
What You Need to Know about Disputing Information on Your Credit Report
[I]f you check your credit reports, there is a good chance that you might find an error. Statistics show that one in five credit reports contain errors. That’s not good news for consumers who rely on credit reports for new credit and loans. However, you can dispute any errors and get them...
What You Need to Know about Disputing Information on Your Credit Report
Friday, 10 November 2017
What You Must Consider about Consolidating Debt
[Y]ou have a hard time keeping track of the bills you have to pay. With multiple credit cards and more than one loan, it’s a wonder you keep it all straight. You may wonder if a debt consolidation loan is right for you. Before you go this route and try to find a way to consolidate your loans,...
What You Must Consider about Consolidating Debt
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Understanding What Charged-off Means
[I]f you’ve looked at your credit report recently, you may have noticed that an account says Charged Off. You may not be sure what that means for you and for your credit score. It’s an important term you should understand to help you improve your credit score.
A creditor will charge off your...
Understanding What Charged-off Means
Monday, 6 November 2017
Start Saving for the Holidays Now
[I]n reality, you should have a savings plan all year long for the holiday season. However, it’s never too late to start. Whether you buy gifts for a lot of people, host dinners or just go out and enjoy all of the holiday activities, it usually costs a lot of money during this time of year....
Start Saving for the Holidays Now
Friday, 3 November 2017
How Unemployment Benefits Can Help
[W]hile you may be aware of unemployment benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own, you may not think you qualify or will be able to get them. However, they can be a lifeline until you are back on your feet with a new job.
Many people don’t get these benefits because...
How Unemployment Benefits Can Help
Thursday, 2 November 2017
How to Know When It’s Time to Redo Your Budget
[Y]ou’ve created a budget and you’ve been working to follow it faithfully. At some point, you may need to redo it to allow for changes in your life or to improve your circumstances. Here are a few ways you know it’s time to work on a new budget.
You Don’t Have an Emergency Fund
If you have...
How to Know When It’s Time to Redo Your Budget
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
How a Virtual Credit Card Can Protect Your Identity
[C]onsumers are often wary of shopping online. And they should be, with all of the identity theft you hear about in the news. Well-known and trusted companies get hacked, which results in stolen information for thousands of unsuspecting people.
One of the biggest areas of concern is for people...
How a Virtual Credit Card Can Protect Your Identity
Monday, 23 October 2017
Do You Need a Financial Mentor?
[S]chools often encourage mentorships for students. Some employers have mentor programs, pairing new employees with those who have many years of experience. Mentors can offer encouragement, advice and accountability to those who need it.
Anyone who struggles with their finances may want to...
Do You Need a Financial Mentor?
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Common Myths on Building Credit
If you are just starting out on your own, you may have a hard time getting credit cards or loans because of a lack of credit history. You must build credit to get access to the best credit cards and loans, but you can mess things up if you don’t know how to do it correctly. Here are some common...
Common Myths on Building Credit
Friday, 20 October 2017
3 Things to Do When You Know You Can’t Pay a Bill
One of the worst feelings you can have is when you have a bill coming due and no way to pay it. You have either spent all of the money or you have to spend it on something more important. You don’t want to have to deal with those phone calls from creditors because you don’t know what to tell...
3 Things to Do When You Know You Can’t Pay a Bill
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Why You Should Change the Due Dates on Your Bills
[Y]ou open up the credit card statement only to see another $30 late payment fee assessed. Ugh! You can’t believe you forgot to make a payment on time again. In between running the kids to daycare or school, meeting with clients and taking care of errands on the weekends, some things just get...
Why You Should Change the Due Dates on Your Bills
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Good and Bad Reasons to Have a Credit Card
[G]etting approved for a credit card is a sign of responsibility. It can give you freedom with your finances. For instance, you can book a hotel or buy airline tickets, which would be difficult without a card. You should know why you want a credit card and understand if those reasons are good or...
Good and Bad Reasons to Have a Credit Card
Friday, 6 October 2017
Should You Avoid All Debt?
You hear financial experts preach about getting out of debt. They tell you to cut up your credit cards and pay for everything with cash. While some people may need to follow this advice, you may wonder if it’s the case for everyone. Should you avoid ever having any kind of debt again?
Should You Avoid All Debt?
Monday, 2 October 2017
Why Fall is a Good Time to Learn to Save Money
The busy summer season is behind everyone, and the upcoming holiday season is a few weeks away yet. Now is the time to focus on goals you have set. One of the most important is saving money.
Fall = Transition Time
You are transitioning from the lazy days of summer, times when you spent a lot of...
Why Fall is a Good Time to Learn to Save Money
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
How to Protect Your Identity at Home
[W]hen you hear about identity theft, you may think about all of the public computers in use as well as the credit card machines in stores. While these are all areas that are vulnerable to hackers and those who want to steal your identity, one of the most dangerous areas is at home. Why? Because...
How to Protect Your Identity at Home
Monday, 25 September 2017
Giving Kids an Allowance – Should You?
When it comes to allowances for kids, there are generally two groups. Those who advocate for it and those who don’t are equally as vocal. There are a few things to be considered before deciding which side to be on.
What are the Rules?
Some parents believe you shouldn’t pay your kids for helping...
Giving Kids an Allowance – Should You?
Monday, 18 September 2017
What is Your Credit Personality?
[P]eople have different views on credit and they handle it in various ways. It can be helpful to determine what your credit personality is so you can do a better job of managing it and avoiding temptation, which can get you in trouble. See if you identify with one of these people.
What is Your Credit Personality?
Friday, 15 September 2017
6 Ways to Get and Stay Out of Debt
[I]f you’re like most people, you have some debt. For many, that debt may be overwhelming and even crippling. You can’t do things you’d like to because you have to pay too many credit cards and loans. Here are six ways to get out of debt and stay out of debt.
Get Out of Debt
To get out of debt,...
6 Ways to Get and Stay Out of Debt
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Why Life Insurance is Important
[Y]ou get those life insurance mailers or see ads on TV and you may ignore them. If you’re relatively young and in good health, you may wonder why life insurance is important for you.
Protecting Your Future
Life insurance is designed to be paid out when you die, so how can it possibly protect...
Why Life Insurance is Important
Monday, 11 September 2017
Saving Money on Groceries and Why It Will Help Your Credit
[W]hen you compare the cost of food to your income, you can see why groceries are such a big part of the budget for many families. It’s easy to spend $200 or more each week to feed a family of three or more. However, there are ways you save money on the groceries you buy.
Tips on Saving Money on...
Saving Money on Groceries and Why It Will Help Your Credit
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Before You Rent Your First Apartment
[W]hether you’re a returning college student ready to move out of the dorms and into an apartment or a recent graduate getting a full-time job, one of the big decisions you will make is where you’ll live. If you’ve never rented an apartment before, the process may be exciting and even a bit...
Before You Rent Your First Apartment
Friday, 8 September 2017
3 Things to Consider When Buying a Car
[B]uying a car is a major investment. It can be fun, especially when you see all of the new features and systems that are available. However, it should also be a serious decision that you make after considering the following three things.
1. Your Credit
If you have good credit, you’ll find it...
3 Things to Consider When Buying a Car
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Common Mistakes People Make with Credit
[W]hen you get approved for a credit card or account, it’s a powerful, exciting feeling. You begin imagining how having this credit card is going to change your life. Before you get too excited and start using your new credit card, you should know the most common mistakes that people make when...
Common Mistakes People Make with Credit
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Credit Lessons for Freshmen
[I]t’s your child’s first year in college, the first year they will be away from your watchful eye. You’re going to have to trust them to make some good decisions on their own. However, it’s also important to educate them on what being independent really means. And that includes teaching them abo...
Credit Lessons for Freshmen
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?
[A]pply for your first credit card and get approved, and you’ll start a trend. Pretty soon, credit card companies will be sending you offers almost every day. What seems like a good idea of applying for a new card will quickly become a problem. With fantastic rates, great rewards and cute d...
How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?
Friday, 25 August 2017
What to Consider When Buying a Home
[Y]ou’ve finally made it. You have what it takes to get approved for financing and can get a home loan. Before you start shopping for your dream place, you have several things to consider to ensure no buyer’s regret.
How Much Can You Afford?
Sure, you got approved for a certain amount of fin...
What to Consider When Buying a Home
Thursday, 24 August 2017
What Can You Do with Bad Credit?
You always hear about all of the things you can’t do when you have bad credit. You can’t get a home loan and maybe not even a car loan. You usually can’t get a credit card and you may get turned down for rental housing with bad credit.
Having bad credit isn’t a good situation to be in. You have ...
What Can You Do with Bad Credit?
Friday, 18 August 2017
Big Changes Coming to Credit Reports
[I]f you have a bad credit score, you may benefit from the changes coming to credit reports soon. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll see your credit score improve. In fact, it is expected that up to seven percent of those who have credit histories could see a benefit.
What Changes
Most civ...
Big Changes Coming to Credit Reports
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Be Realistic When Budgeting to Get Out of Debt
[Y]ou’re deep in debt and you want to pay it off to improve your credit score and to make life simpler. You want to pay it off as quickly as possible, which means making some major changes in your finances and life.
Many experts tell you to stop spending any more money than you have to. No g...
Be Realistic When Budgeting to Get Out of Debt
Friday, 11 August 2017
3 Ways You Can Waste Your Money
[I]f you’re trying to become more financially stable and improve your credit rating, you must be careful with how you spend your money. While you don’t want to give up everything fun in life in order to be frugal, you also want to avoid wasting your money on unnecessary expenses. Here are three w...
3 Ways You Can Waste Your Money
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Starting Over from Bad Credit
[Y]ou hit rock bottom with your credit. All of your accounts went to collections and your car was repossessed. You don’t even want to check your credit score because you know it’s bad. While the situation might seem hopeless, you can turn it around. Once you’ve lost any credit worthiness, you are...
Starting Over from Bad Credit
Monday, 7 August 2017
How to Talk to a Boyfriend/Girlfriend about Their Credit Rating
[I]f you’ve been dating someone for a while, you may be getting serious. Before you start dreaming about the perfect wedding day or what life will be like with 2.5 kids and a dog, you need to know you’re on the same page about important issues.
While many people think nothing of talking about ho...
How to Talk to a Boyfriend/Girlfriend about Their Credit Rating
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
3 Tips to Help Your Kids When They Have Summer Jobs
[I]f your kids are old enough to take on a summer job, now is a golden opportunity to teach them about money and finances. If you start them out right, they will know how to handle money and financial responsibility for when they are earning a full-time income. Here are three tips to use this...
3 Tips to Help Your Kids When They Have Summer Jobs
Monday, 31 July 2017
3 Ways Credit Matters to Everyone
[Y]ou pay everything with cash. Your motto is “If I can’t pay cash, I can’t afford it.” That means no credit ever. You may assume that you don’t need to worry about your credit score if you don’t plan to use credit to buy anything. Unfortunately, credit isn’t just about loans and credit cards. A ...
3 Ways Credit Matters to Everyone
What You Need to Know about Bad Credit Personal Loans
[G]etting a personal loan is an option when you need money for an unexpected expense, to make a purchase or for other expenses. Some people use it to finance a vacation, wedding or other event. However, if you have bad credit, it can be difficult to qualify for one of these loans.
Luckily, there...
What You Need to Know about Bad Credit Personal Loans
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
What You Need to Know about Bad Credit Car Loans
Buying a car is very difficult if you have bad credit. However, it’s not impossible, thanks to the bad credit car loan lenders who will finance for those with less than perfect credit. Before you get too excited about this option, make sure you know what you’re getting into.
High Risk = High Pay...
What You Need to Know about Bad Credit Car Loans
Monday, 24 July 2017
Dealing with Financial Stress
[Y]ou jump when the phone rings, hit “Ignore” on your cell phone when a number you don’t recognize pops up, and dread getting your mail from the mailbox. Pay day isn’t something to look forward to because you have to figure out which bills to pay and which ones to postpone. And you dread the day ...
Dealing with Financial Stress
Monday, 17 July 2017
3 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Improve Bad Credit
[Y]ou get a lot of advice when you research online about how to improve bad credit. Some of it is not so good, a waste of time or worse. There are three major mistakes that people make when they are trying to rebuild their credit rating.
Mistake #1 – Hiring a Credit Repair Company
You’ll see adv...
3 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Improve Bad Credit
Friday, 14 July 2017
4 Steps to Improve Your Credit
[F]or people with bad credit, they are often looking for the easiest or best ways to improve their credit scores. While the quick-fix schemes promised by some companies don’t really work, there are some steps you can take on your own. You won’t see an improvement overnight, but your credit score ...
4 Steps to Improve Your Credit
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Why Credit Scores Matter and What They Mean
[Y]ou hear a lot about credit scores when you’re applying for a loan or credit card. You may also hear about good credit and bad credit when you get insurance or rent a vehicle or apartment. With all of this hype about credit scores, why do they matter so much?
A Picture of a Moment in Time
Your ...
Why Credit Scores Matter and What They Mean
The Basics of a Credit Report
If you’ve been researching about how to improve your credit, you’ve probably read about credit reports. Many times, articles and other information assumes you know what a credit report is and how it looks. For those without that knowledge, here are the basics.
What Is a Credit Report?
It’s a list...
The Basics of a Credit Report
Sunday, 9 July 2017
3 Ways to Get an Emergency Fund Fast
The car broke down and the mechanic says it will cost $300 to fix it. It may not sound like much money, but for many people it means they can’t pay another bill. The reason is they don’t have an emergency fund, which can help them pay unexpected bills and protect their credit rating.
An eme...
3 Ways to Get an Emergency Fund Fast
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
3 Things You Need to Understand about an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is something every adult should have. It provides funds to have on hand in case an unexpected expense comes up. It may be a car repair, sick person, home repair or other expense that you didn’t budget in. Many people try to build an emergency fund but fail. Here are three t...
3 Things You Need to Understand about an Emergency Fund
Should You Get Debt Counseling Help?
You’ve probably seen the ads for debt counselors, promising to help you get out of debt and improve your credit score. You may wonder if they can help you and if you should find a company to begin working on improving your credit score.
Who Needs Debt Counselors
First, you need to understand t...
Should You Get Debt Counseling Help?
Monday, 3 July 2017
The Number One Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Credit
Look up information on improving a credit score or how to get good credit, and you’ll find all kinds of advice. Some of it is accurate while some is advice you should never follow. Some of the tips will cost you money like hiring a credit repair company. Much of the advice will fail to give you t...
The Number One Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Credit
Friday, 30 June 2017
5 Summer Expenses that Can Break a Family Budget
[S]ummer is often considered a time for fun and relaxation. Warm weather, long days and plenty of activities equal an exciting few months. However, for those on a budget, it can also mean more debt or feeling left out if they can’t enjoy their favorite activities. Here are six things you might e...
5 Summer Expenses that Can Break a Family Budget
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
How to Remember Your Passwords and Keep Your Identity Safe
[O]ne of the easiest ways to have your credit ruined is for someone to steal your identity and open up accounts in your name but not pay them. They can also access your real accounts and max them out. To protect yourself and your credit rating, you need to have strong passwords. The problem for...
How to Remember Your Passwords and Keep Your Identity Safe
Monday, 26 June 2017
Credit Card Advice for New Graduates
[I]f you’ve recently graduated or plan to this summer, you may be planning to enter the world of being an adult. You’ll get a job, maybe an apartment and car, and probably open a bank account if you don’t already have one. You may also decide to get a credit card with your new income. Here is som...
Credit Card Advice for New Graduates
Friday, 23 June 2017
3 Reasons to Start Out a Marriage with Good Credit
[W]ith summer comes plans for weddings, big beautiful bouquets, a gorgeous wedding dress, garden ceremony and many other unique plans. Of course, each of these items cost money, which can add up to thousands of dollars. What many couples fail to plan for as they dream of their wedding is how to...
3 Reasons to Start Out a Marriage with Good Credit
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Why the Employed Struggle to Survive
[E]ven those with full-time jobs often end up struggling to pay their bills and protect their credit rating. They live paycheck to paycheck with barely enough left over to last until the next payday. With reports of the economy improving and a low unemployment rate, this may not make sense. One...
Why the Employed Struggle to Survive
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
How to Save Money on Vacation This Summer
[P]eople look forward to summertime partially because they have a vacation planned. It’s a chance to get away and take a break from the stresses of life. Unfortunately for those who live on a tight budget, coming back from vacation may be a dose of reality they would just as soon forget.
You can ...
How to Save Money on Vacation This Summer
Friday, 16 June 2017
Financial Steps to Take Before You Graduate
[I]f you’re about to graduate college and enter the workforce, you want to start out on the right foot. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the idea of a steady paycheck and make some bad financial decisions. Here are a few things you should do about your finances before you graduate.
Think ab...
Financial Steps to Take Before You Graduate
Thursday, 15 June 2017
How to Sell Stuff to Make Money
[Y]ou have a bill to pay and you don’t have the money. Or your car broke down and you don’t have the extra funds to pay for the repair. One way to come up with cash when you need it is to sell something you own. However, it’s not always as easy as it sounds.
Know What’s Valuable
First, you have t...
How to Sell Stuff to Make Money
Friday, 9 June 2017
Have You Become a Financial Adult?
[A]s a teenager and even college student, you probably had your parents looking out for you. They helped with expenses even if you had a part-time job. Now that you have entered adulthood with a full-time job, you feel like a grownup. But have you grown up financially?
You Know How to Budget
Have You Become a Financial Adult?
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
How Can You Build Wealth?
[Y]ou don’t have to be rich to build wealth. In fact, the people who need to build wealth the most are people like you. They work regular jobs, have normal bills and may not be able to afford everything they want or even need. Building wealth means that you have enough money for your expenses as ...
How Can You Build Wealth?
Monday, 5 June 2017
Basic Things You Should Know for Investing
[E]veryone can and should learn about investing. You don’t have to be rich or have a lot of money to invest in order to get started. You also don’t have to be an expert, but you should understand a few basic things.
Understand Risk and Reward
The greater the risk, the bigger the reward, or in thi...
Basic Things You Should Know for Investing
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Spend Money Wisely to Save
[M]ost experts tell you to save money if you want to have more. While this is worthwhile advice for most situations, there are times when you should spend money to save more in the long run.
Buying a Car
One prime example is with buying a car. If you spend more money now to pay cash for a...
Spend Money Wisely to Save
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
How to Take a Vacation with Little Money and Bad Credit
[I]t’s getting about the time of year when people start planning their summer vacation. If you’re stuck in a dead-end job and have a bad credit history, you may think taking a vacation is just a pipe dream. However, it is still possible to enjoy a short trip, and it’s better not to charge every...
How to Take a Vacation with Little Money and Bad Credit
Friday, 26 May 2017
Things You Should Know If You Must Deal with a Debt Collector
[I]f you have an outstanding debt that you are currently unable to pay, it can be scary to deal with the agency trying to collect. Before you contact them or toss the bill aside, there are some things you should know.
Debts do Expire
You cannot be legally bound by a debt that is past the...
Things You Should Know If You Must Deal with a Debt Collector
Monday, 22 May 2017
What to Expect with VantageScore 4.0
[V]antageScore announced it would have the latest version of its credit scoring model out for use sometime in the fall of 2017. Several updates expect to more accurately measure a person’s credit history.
The Credit Balance
One of the big changes in how balances on credit accounts will impact a p...
What to Expect with VantageScore 4.0
Friday, 19 May 2017
What to Consider with Annual Fee Credit Cards
[M]any credit cards come with an annual fee. In fact, people with bad credit often assume that’s the only kind of card they can qualify for. While it’s true that many cards have the fee, not all do. Before you apply for a card, you should consider the annual fee.
Cards for Bad Credit
A secured cr...
What to Consider with Annual Fee Credit Cards
Monday, 15 May 2017
How You Can Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner
[T]he secret to financial independence and good credit is having enough money to live on and for emergencies. One way to ensure this is by reducing your debt. The biggest debt for many is with their home. A mortgage not only comes with a higher payment, but it is often set up for 30 years....
How You Can Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner
Monday, 24 April 2017
The Basics of Budgeting
[W]hether you are just starting out on your own or just starting over, one of the most important things you can do is learn how to budget. Many people think they know how to budget, but they fail to stick with it. So, the goal is to not just create a budget, but to create one that works.
The Basics of Budgeting
Friday, 21 April 2017
Revolving Credit or Installment Loans: Which is Better for Your Credit?
[I]f you’ve been learning about credit, one of the first things you’ll hear is you can’t get credit if you don’t have credit. It often seems to be a Catch-22; no one will give you credit so you can’t get established with a credit history so you can get new credit.
With diligent effort, you can g...
Revolving Credit or Installment Loans: Which is Better for Your Credit?
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
What to Do When a Landlord or Employer Asks to See Your Credit Report
[S]ometimes when you are filling out a rental or job application, you’ll come to a page that asks you to sign and authorize a credit check. Most people will sign it, hoping for the best if they have less than perfect credit. Even when you do sign it, you may wonder if that was the best course of ...
What to Do When a Landlord or Employer Asks to See Your Credit Report
Monday, 17 April 2017
Why Do Employers Look at Your Credit Report?
[I]f you’ve applied for a job, you may have been asked to provide authorization for the potential employer to look at your credit report. While you signed it just to be considered for the job, you may wonder why they need to know about your credit history. What are employers looking at when they ...
Why Do Employers Look at Your Credit Report?
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Do Creditors Look Past Your Credit Score?
[Y]ou hear all about the minimum credit score needed to get a credit card or loan. It seems like this one magic number seals your fate. You wonder if creditors or lenders even look at the information in your credit report or if they just use that number to get a decision for your...
Do Creditors Look Past Your Credit Score?
Friday, 14 April 2017
What Creditors Look at on Credit Reports
[T]here’s a lot of information on a credit report. If you’ve ever requested a free copy of your credit report, you may have been overwhelmed at all of the stuff on there. It makes you wonder what creditors and lenders really look at. Do they read every line or do they skim? If they skim, what are...
What Creditors Look at on Credit Reports
Friday, 7 April 2017
How a Credit Card Can Help You Build Credit
[A]fter the recession of 2008, more people have become conscious of debt. Some of them have decided to give up using credit cards or other forms of credit in favor of a cash-only approach. While this is a good idea for people with bad spending habits or those who have a tendency to live beyond...
How a Credit Card Can Help You Build Credit
Friday, 31 March 2017
Ways Home Improvement Stores Can Help You Finance a Remodel
[I]f you’ve decided to take on the challenge of a major or minor renovation or remodel for your home, you probably know it’s going to cost you. Even if you save up for this job, you may end up with unexpected costs and issues. Two of the biggest home improvement stores can help with financing if ...
Ways Home Improvement Stores Can Help You Finance a Remodel
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Why Living at Home May Boost Your Credit Score
[M]any Millennials have either continued living with their parents or moved back in with them. Other generations have also become multigenerational households for one reason or another. This living arrangement offers a great advantage for anyone hoping to establish or rebuild their credit.
Why Living at Home May Boost Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
How to Use Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Bad Credit
[W]hen a person has bad credit, it can seem impossible to improve it. Usually, you have bills you can’t pay and your job is barely making ends meet. When you get that tax refund, you may be tempted to use it for something special or to replace or repair something that’s broken, but you can also u...
How to Use Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Bad Credit
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Ways to Save Money and Improve Your Credit
[I]f you made a resolution this year to pay off debt and improve your credit, you may find you have a challenge. For some, getting a second job is the best way to accomplish this goal because it provides extra income. If this isn’t an option, you can focus instead of saving money to give you m...
Ways to Save Money and Improve Your Credit
Monday, 20 March 2017
Are Home Warranties Worth the Cost?
[I]f you have bought a home recently, are in the process or plan to in the future, one of the options you may have is to purchase a home warranty. However, you will have to decide if having a warranty is worth the initial cost.
What is a Home Warranty?
A home warranty covers your home from major...
Are Home Warranties Worth the Cost?
Friday, 17 March 2017
How Not Having Health Insurance Can Damage Your Credit
[F]or many, health insurance is a cost they can’t afford. Premiums have gone up and co-pays are often higher as well as deductibles. If you have decided that you just can’t have health insurance, be aware of what it may really cost you.
Major Health Issues
As long as you are healthy, not having ...
How Not Having Health Insurance Can Damage Your Credit
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Creative Ways to Earn More Money and Pay Off Debt
[I]f you already work a second job or have kids and no option to take on part-time work, you may wonder how you will ever be able to pay off debt and improve your credit rating. Fortunately, there are ways you can earn money even when you don’t have time to fit in another job.
1. Invest
It d...
Creative Ways to Earn More Money and Pay Off Debt
Monday, 13 March 2017
Can Your Toys Steal Your Identity?
[T]he My Friend Cayla is a doll that has been making the news in a bad way. In fact, some advocate that parents get rid of the doll that has been banned in Germany. This interactive toy connects to the internet to talk with your child, answer questions and just be a lot more fun than standard...
Can Your Toys Steal Your Identity?
Friday, 10 March 2017
3 ideas to Help You Pay Down Debt without a Second Job
[D]ebt is something most people have but very few want. Credit card debt and medical bills are especially detrimental to a person’s life and credit rating. For many, they take on a second job and devote the income to paying off debt. However, if this isn’t an option for you, there are still ways ...
3 ideas to Help You Pay Down Debt without a Second Job
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
How to Change Your Spending Habits
[M]ost people who spend too much know it. They run into the store for paper towels or a gallon of milk and come back with two or three bags of stuff. Every time they sit down to pay the bills and see they don’t have enough money to cover expenses, they promise never to splurge again. It’s a pro...
How to Change Your Spending Habits
Monday, 6 March 2017
How Becoming a Landlord Can Hurt Your Credit
[Y]ou often hear how landlords check your credit rating and a bad credit score can prevent you from renting a place. However, being a landlord can also harm your credit if you aren’t careful.
Your Property, Your Responsibility
Many people decide to rent out a room in their home or even convert a...
How Becoming a Landlord Can Hurt Your Credit
Friday, 3 March 2017
Learn How to Spot Scams
[Y]ou hear about them on the news or on a Facebook post someone shared: money scams. It may be an IRS scam, investment scams or home improvement jobs that aren’t real. It’s all too easy for someone to be taken advantage of with high-tech hackers and fraudsters who have ways to learn private det...
Learn How to Spot Scams
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
How DIY Home Improvement Projects Can be a Good Investment
[I]f you’re a homeowner, you may be swamped with a long to-do list for repairs and improvements on your home. You may not always be able to pay cash or hire the work done by professionals, but some projects are ideal for people who are at least minimally handy with basic tools.
Bring a Higher S...
How DIY Home Improvement Projects Can be a Good Investment
Monday, 27 February 2017
How to Protect Your Budget and Your Credit If You Lose a Job
[A] job loss can happen at any time, even in a flourishing economy. In a less than stellar time, it can even be expected. The challenge of staying afloat while you search for a new job can be difficult. Make the wrong decisions and you may be unable to pay your bills and ruin your credit before...
How to Protect Your Budget and Your Credit If You Lose a Job
Friday, 24 February 2017
3 Dangerous Spending Habits
[E]ven if you have plenty of money now and can afford to splurge, you should take a look at your spending habits. A job loss, downsizing or unexpected expenses can mean you are no longer able to live the same way as you do now. To tell if you would be in trouble if your financial situation...
3 Dangerous Spending Habits
Monday, 6 February 2017
5 Tips to Repair Your Credit
[I]f you’ve had credit problems in the past, you may be ready to work to repair your past mistakes. You want to rebuild your credit, but you aren’t sure what to do first. Here are five tips to help you start making a positive impact.
1. Make Sure Everything is Accurate
Before you do anything els...
5 Tips to Repair Your Credit
Friday, 3 February 2017
Should You Use a Credit Monitoring Service?
[I]f you’ve been the victim of compromised data from a large company, you may have received a free year of credit monitoring. Otherwise, you may not give this service much of a thought. It is often seen as a benefit for people who have bad credit or those with a lot of money to lose. However, it ...
Should You Use a Credit Monitoring Service?
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Reasons Not to Get a Credit Card with Bad Credit
[Y]ou’ve probably heard that there are credit cards for people with any credit, bad credit, no credit at all. For most, they can qualify for some kind of credit card even if their credit score is below 600. However, just because you can qualify for a credit card, should you get one?
You Can’t Han...
Reasons Not to Get a Credit Card with Bad Credit
Can You Get a Charge-off Removed from Your Credit Report?
[I]f you failed to pay a credit account, it probably was charged off and the account sold to a collections agency. You may think this means you are stuck with the negative information for several years. However, there are ways to get a charge-off removed from your credit report.
Pay for...
Can You Get a Charge-off Removed from Your Credit Report?
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
[Y]ou’ve probably heard the term “good debt” or “bad debt” and you may even have an idea what it means. However, you may not always recognize the difference between the two. It’s important to understand this distinction, so you can build good credit and become financially stable.
What is Good Deb...
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
What You Should Know about Balance Transfer Cards
[I]f you have multiple credit cards that are maxed out or if you have a high interest credit card with a balance, a balance transfer card may seem like the perfect answer to your situation. However, you should understand some basic facts about this card.
It Can Save Money
Yes, getting a balance...
What You Should Know about Balance Transfer Cards
Monday, 23 January 2017
Top Credit Cards for Bad Credit
[I]f you have bad credit or less than excellent credit, you may have trouble finding a credit card offer where you can get approved. However, there are credit cards designed for people who have a negative history to help them rebuild their credit. Here are a few to consider.
Credit One...
Top Credit Cards for Bad Credit
Friday, 20 January 2017
Tips to Help You Improve Your Finances in 2017
[I]f you are like many people, you made a New Year’s resolution to improve your finances or rebuild your credit for 2017. While this seems like a worthy goal, it won’t gain much steam unless you have a plan. You must determine exactly what you will do to achieve your goal and start working on it....
Tips to Help You Improve Your Finances in 2017
Steps to Take to Build Financial Security
[A]re you trying to rebuild your credit? Are you tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? If you have set a goal to become more financially stable in the new year, you need to have a plan. Here is one that almost everyone can follow to achieve success.
1. Set Long-term and Short-Term...
Steps to Take to Build Financial Security
Monday, 16 January 2017
Mistakes People Make with Credit Cards
[G]etting a credit card can be a sign of “growing up” for many. It feels good to know you have earned your way to having credit or to have rebuilt your credit to the point where you can be trusted with credit again. However, not everyone handles this new responsibility in the best way. Here are t...
Mistakes People Make with Credit Cards
Friday, 13 January 2017
How to Protect Your Credit If You’re Self-Employed
[B]eing self-employed often brings a sense of independence and freedom. You have a flexible schedule, and you are in control of how much you earn and when you work. However, it also comes with a few negatives, especially when it comes to your credit history and credit rating. Here are some ways...
How to Protect Your Credit If You’re Self-Employed
Monday, 2 January 2017
How to Take Control of Your Finances
[I]f your goal is to be financially independent and able to enjoy life, you must take control of your money. Here are a few tips to help you in this process so you can live the kind of life you want.
Understand Your Income
This is the fun part. Figure out how much income you have coming in....
How to Take Control of Your Finances