Monday, 22 December 2014

Pay Off Debt Fast and Raise Your Credit Score

It sounds like an intriguing promise, especially compared to what advice you often receive about how to pay off debts. But is it really possible to pay off debt quickly when you don’t have a lot of money left over from your paycheck?
Traditional Advice
The advice you’ve heard for years is to fin...
Pay Off Debt Fast and Raise Your Credit Score

Friday, 19 December 2014

How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Going Deeper in Debt

One of the biggest factors in your credit score is how much of your credit limit is being used. If you max out your credit cards during the holidays every year for gifts, you are hurting your credit score. Even if you spend the other 10 or 11 months paying it off, this problem becomes a viscous...
How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Going Deeper in Debt

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Preparing for a Credit Check

You want to buy a car or your first home. You already know that the lender is going to check your credit. How do you prepare for that situation before it happens?
Get a Free Copy of Your Credit Report
The first thing to do is to get a free copy of your credit report. You want to know what it...
Preparing for a Credit Check

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

What Should You Do If You Don’t Have a Credit Score?

You hear so much about bad credit scores and how they can hurt you when you go to apply for a home loan or car loan. What about if you don’t have a credit score at all? You may have heard it said that no credit is worse than bad credit, but is it true? Will it hurt you if you don’t have a credit ...
What Should You Do If You Don’t Have a Credit Score?

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Develop Good Credit Card Habits to Have a Good Credit Score

It’s a catch-22 for many people. You can’t get good credit without a credit card, but carry a high balance and it will hurt your credit. While this is a narrow view on how credit and credit cards function, it does provide a succinct statement on how credit and credit cards work together.
The key...
Develop Good Credit Card Habits to Have a Good Credit Score

Monday, 15 December 2014

Are You Doomed to Have Bad Credit Forever?

Miss one payment by 30 days and watch your credit score sink like a rock. Work hard to pay your bills on time from that time forward and it seems like your score creeps back up. If you have multiple negative accounts from the past on your record, it only compounds the problem. It may seem like...
Are You Doomed to Have Bad Credit Forever?

Friday, 12 December 2014

Why Credit Card Debt is Good for the Economy and Bad For You

According to a new report from Equifax, credit card debt has increased in the second quarter of 2014 compared to the same time in 2013. This is good news for the economy because many credit experts say that increased levels of debt indicate improved consumer confidence.
More Debt Than...
Why Credit Card Debt is Good for the Economy and Bad For You

Thursday, 11 December 2014

When Accounts are Removed From a Credit Report

If you check your credit report occasionally and compare it to previous ones, you may notice that some accounts are no longer reported. Why does this happen and does it really matter to your credit score?
There are various reasons that an account could fall off of a credit report. Sometimes it...
When Accounts are Removed From a Credit Report

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What are the Best Ways for 20-somethings’ To Build Credit?

When you just graduate college and are starting out on an entry-level salary, it can be difficult to get a car, house or even rent an apartment. If you haven’t already established your own credit, you will have a limited history that makes you a higher risk to lenders and creditors. How can you b...
What are the Best Ways for 20-somethings’ To Build Credit?

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

How Long Does It Take To Get a Good Credit Score?

When you look at all of the factors that affect your credit score, you may not focus on the age of your credit history. After all, it doesn’t carry as much weight as your payment history or debt utilization. However, it is an important aspect to consider and one that only improves over time if h...
How Long Does It Take To Get a Good Credit Score?

Monday, 8 December 2014

Credit Card Surprises That Could Ruin Your Credit

Credit cards are often some of the culprits that harm a person’s credit score. The cards themselves are not to blame, but some of the surprises that they bring may end up hurting your credit.
Fees and Charges
If you pay a couple of days late, it won’t show up late on your credit report. Most peo...
Credit Card Surprises That Could Ruin Your Credit

Friday, 5 December 2014

Can a Credit Card Payment Plan Hurt Your Credit Score?

It sounds like the perfect plan. You have more debt than you can handle and the creditors are willing to work with you a payment plan. Before you agree to the terms, there are some things you should know.
Different Companies, Different Methods
Each creditor has its own way of handling hardship...
Can a Credit Card Payment Plan Hurt Your Credit Score?

Thursday, 4 December 2014

When Having a Good Credit Score Matters

You know you need to have good credit to get a home loan or even a car loan. Having an excellent credit score also means you qualify for those fantastic rewards credit cards. But did you know that there are other times when having good credit matters – even when you aren’t asking for a loan or cr...
When Having a Good Credit Score Matters

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Should Baby Boomers Worry about Credit Scores?

People who are trying to buy their first homes or purchase a new car often worry about their credit scores. They are often the people with the lowest income as well, so they live on a tight budget with more expenses and possibly even credit card debt. If you don’t fall into this category, should ...
Should Baby Boomers Worry about Credit Scores?

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Protect Your Credit When You Are on Vacation

A vacation is all about relaxing and enjoying life whether you are lying out on a warm beach or hiking in the mountains. However, you should never relax your guard when it comes to your credit, even on vacation. In fact, vacationers are prime targets for identity theft. Here are some tips to...
Protect Your Credit When You Are on Vacation

Monday, 1 December 2014

No Credit Cards – A Financial Mistake?

According to some reports, up to 63% of Millennials do not have a credit card. They prefer to buy with cash rather than using credit. This trend is due partially to them watching what their parents have gone through in recent months. They have vowed to avoid the debt trap.
Millennials have...
No Credit Cards – A Financial Mistake?