[M]ost of the time you struggle to make the minimum monthly payments on your credit cards. Now, you find yourself with extra money on hand and you wonder which cards to pay. Maybe you worked overtime or got a bonus, and you want to do the responsible thing with the money and pay down debt. The...
What to Do When You Have Extra Money for Credit Card Debt
Monday, 29 August 2016
What to Do When You Have Extra Money for Credit Card Debt
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Why Your Child Needs a Savings Account
[I]n a world where credit is easily obtained, it’s far too simple for people to get into debt. Much more difficult is learning how to save. This practice should begin in childhood so that it is firmly ingrained in a person’s habits when they reach adulthood.
When to Start Teaching about Sav...
Why Your Child Needs a Savings Account
Monday, 22 August 2016
How to Stop Being a Co-Signer and Will It Hurt Your Credit?
[M]any people become co-signers as a favor to a family member or friend who doesn’t have a credit history. After some time, they may want to take their name off the account. This is not always an easy fix, and it may have an impact to both people’s credit.
The Process
Generally, you have two opt...
How to Stop Being a Co-Signer and Will It Hurt Your Credit?
Friday, 19 August 2016
4 Ways Your Cell Phone Impacts Your Credit
[F]or many people, they can’t live without their cell phone. If they have a smartphone, they likely use it to do much more than just talk or text. While having a cell phone can be a good thing, it can also cause problems for your credit score.
1. Pay Your Bill
If you fail to pay your cell p...
4 Ways Your Cell Phone Impacts Your Credit
Monday, 15 August 2016
Simple Ways You Can Mess Up Your Mortgage Approval
[A]fter the initial approval for a home loan, you may be feeling pretty confident about moving into your new home. However, there are some easy ways you can mess up your approval, causing your mortgage to fall through.
1. Adding Extra Income
If you have more money in your bank account than what...
Simple Ways You Can Mess Up Your Mortgage Approval
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Credit Tips for Newlyweds
[S]ummertime is the time for beautiful weddings, followed by fabulous honeymoons. After the end of the vacation, you start your new life as a couple. If you haven’t already had the talk about money – and you should have, now is the time to do so. It’s important to start off a new marriage on the ...
Credit Tips for Newlyweds
Monday, 8 August 2016
How to Build Credit without a Credit Card
[A]sk almost any expert, and they’ll tell you the easiest way to build credit is to get a credit card and use it responsibly. However, some people don’t like the idea of using credit to pay for things, so they want to find another way to build their credit history.
1. Ask Your Landlord to Report ...
How to Build Credit without a Credit Card
Friday, 5 August 2016
3 Things Everyone Should Do Before Getting a Credit Card
[A]s the time nears for students to start college, many parents will help them get their first credit card. Other people may be trying to build or rebuild credit with a new card. Before you submit an application for a Visa or MasterCard, here are three things you should do.
1. Start a Savings...
3 Things Everyone Should Do Before Getting a Credit Card
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Can Bad Credit be Repaired in 30 Days?
[I]n theory, the answer to this question is “yes.” If you dispute an item on your credit report and the error is fixed, your credit could improve quickly. Even if the creditor refuses to respond in 30 days, the item can be removed. You could see your credit score go up as a result.
The reality of...
Can Bad Credit be Repaired in 30 Days?
Monday, 1 August 2016
Why Maintaining Your Credit is Harder than Improving It
[Y]ou get the notice in the mail that says your 30 days past due on a credit card. You can’t believe you forgot to make the last payment, and you know it dinged your credit. You had the money; you just got busy with summer vacation or the kids’ soccer games and forgot to make the payment.
You wo...
Why Maintaining Your Credit is Harder than Improving It