You may have been working to improve your credit score for some time. You have paid down your debts, made sure all payments were on time and generally exhibited good credit behavior. Your goal is to reach a certain score, the “magic number,” that you have set as a goal. Maybe it is...
Why You Need More than Excellent Credit Scores
Friday, 20 March 2015
Why You Need More than Excellent Credit Scores
Thursday, 19 March 2015
What Should You Pay Attention To on Your Credit Report?
If you have ever looked at a copy of your credit report, you may find it rather confusing. There are pages of information, symbols, dates and technical terms that you don’t understand. It can be enough to make you toss it aside and forget about it. Since it is important to review your...
What Should You Pay Attention To on Your Credit Report?
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
How You Can Damage Your Credit Unintentionally
You probably know of several things that can hurt your credit: late payments, collections, charge-offs and bankruptcies. What you may not realize is how small, unintentional behaviors can impact your credit.
1. Carrying high balances.
It is common for people to focus on paying their credit card...
How You Can Damage Your Credit Unintentionally
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
How CreditVision from Trans Union May Improve Your Credit Score
Trans Union is one of the three major credit bureaus that creditors report to. The company has been making some changes that could impact a customer’s ability to get approved for a loan. The change is in CreditVision.
What is CreditVision?
CreditVision is part of your Trans Union credit...
How CreditVision from Trans Union May Improve Your Credit Score
Experian is Trying to Change the Future of Credit Scores
Experian developed a study that showed some interesting information for consumers about credit. According to this study, people would see their credit scores improve if non-traditional credit resources were included.
These non-traditional resources would include rent payments and utilities,...
Experian is Trying to Change the Future of Credit Scores
Changes in Credit Reports Benefit Customers
Expect to see some changes to your credit report in the upcoming months. The three major credit bureaus met with the New York Attorney General to change the reporting process. An agreement was reached that will mean changes to how information is disputed.
What It Means to Customers
The biggest...
Changes in Credit Reports Benefit Customers
Friday, 13 March 2015
Learn How to Save Money and Improve Your Credit Score
Sometimes unforeseen things happen. You lose your job or a major expense creates debt you didn’t plan on. But for many people with bad credit, the reason is that they overspent and didn’t learn how to save money.
Bad Credit and No Savings
These two things often go hand in hand....
Learn How to Save Money and Improve Your Credit Score
How to Improve Your Credit with a Secured Credit Card
If you have had major credit problems in the recent past, you may have trouble qualifying for a traditional credit card. Even though having a credit card and using it responsibly is one of the best ways to improve your credit score, it can be tough to qualify with a bad record. Instead, you may...
How to Improve Your Credit with a Secured Credit Card
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
How Much Will a Missed Car Payment Hurt Your Credit Score?
As you may know, your payment history is a big factor in your credit score. On-time payments help boost your score while late payments can hurt it. What happens if you forgot or couldn’t afford to make a payment on a car loan on time?
How Late Payments Hurt Your Score
It doesn’t...
How Much Will a Missed Car Payment Hurt Your Credit Score?
Monday, 9 March 2015
Can a Spouse"s Bankruptcy Hurt You?
Many couples don’t talk about finances during the dating and engagement phases of the relationship. It is only after they are married, that they develop concern over where they may be. Bankruptcy is one issue that can weigh heavy on a marriage even if it occurred prior to the wedding...
Can a Spouse"s Bankruptcy Hurt You?
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Avoiding Collections for Debt
Can you avoid having an account sent to collections if you fall behind on payment? The short answer is “yes, but…” It is important to understand collections, creditors and how they work.
Creditors Like to Avoid Collections
You don’t want debts sent to collections agencies b...
Avoiding Collections for Debt
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Protecting Your Credit Score When You are Married to a Spendthrift
People fall in love and get married. They talk about how many kids they want to have, where they will live and their dreams for the future. What they don’t always talk about is credit scores.
Sure, you may see that someone spends more money than you do, a little “too much”...
Protecting Your Credit Score When You are Married to a Spendthrift
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Negotiating with a Debt Collector to Improve Your Credit Score
Debt collectors are scary. They can be intimidating because they hold your credit and possibly your future in the palms of their hands. Often, they get a reputation for being hard-nosed and impossible to work with. And yet, they may be what stands between you and a new car or new home because of...
Negotiating with a Debt Collector to Improve Your Credit Score
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Little Things that Have a Big Impact on Your Credit Score
It’s often the little things that cause the most headaches. This fact is true in many areas, and it is true for credit scores. You may not be the type of person to go on shopping sprees and run up thousands of dollars on credit cards that you can’t pay. But little mistakes can end up...
Little Things that Have a Big Impact on Your Credit Score
Monday, 2 March 2015
Are You Responsible For Bills You Don"t Receive?
A bill notice gets lost in the mail or the issuer forgets to send one out. Now, its 30 days past due and your credit took a hit. A bit hit. Is there anything you can do?
You Have Rights
You can let the creditor know that you never received a bill and have the late payment removed from your...
Are You Responsible For Bills You Don"t Receive?