When two people are married, they literally join their separate lives into one. Because so many people have unmanageable student loan debt, an increasing number of people are asking about their dates’ debts long before they get too serious. A growing number of engagements have ended because...
How Important Is Your Student Loan Balance To A Potential Romantic Partner?
Thursday, 28 February 2013
How Important Is Your Student Loan Balance To A Potential Romantic Partner?
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Are Credit Scores Fair Measures of a Person’s Financial Risk?
Consumers are increasingly asking “Are credit scores fair measures of a person’s financial risk?” Many feel they are not, and that they have been unjustly been denied a loan or other credit because of an unfair credit rating system. The credit bureaus on the other hand insist they are...
Are Credit Scores Fair Measures of a Person’s Financial Risk?
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease a Chrysler?
If you’re considering leasing a Chrysler, knowing your credit score is important. In recent years, Chrysler has been offering aggressive lease deals. However, those deals are usually only extended to well-qualified borrowers. In general, a credit score above 650 is needed to lease a Chrysler....
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease a Chrysler?
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Will Having A Car Accident Hurt Your 2013 Credit Score?
The “Jaws of Life” is a powerful machine that can quickly extract people from vehicles after a car collision, like in the case of a recent nine-car pileup near Boston, Massachusetts. Even after the “Jaws of Life” helps save someone’s life or prevents additional serious injuries, many...
Will Having A Car Accident Hurt Your 2013 Credit Score?
Monday, 25 February 2013
How Do I Check My Credit Score Online For Free?
There is no place either online or by phone or mail where credit scores can be accessed for free. The credit reports from which the credit scores are calculated can be downloaded free once a year from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion either through the websites or through their portal...
How Do I Check My Credit Score Online For Free?
Why You Should Care About Your Credit Score?
I am horrified at some of the recent posts online stating that people should not care about their credit scores. Now, some of the ideas are perfectly valid. You should never go into debt just because you have the privilege to go into debt. Caring about your credit score so you can get a...
Why You Should Care About Your Credit Score?
Friday, 22 February 2013
Are Credit Rating Agencies Regulated?
First of all the three bureaus Transunion, Equifax and Experian are not credit rating agencies, they are credit reporting for profit nongovernmental companies. They gather credit information about you from those institutions that you borrow money from and that information is entered into your...
Are Credit Rating Agencies Regulated?
Thursday, 21 February 2013
How To Get A High Credit Score In 2013
Attaining a great credit rating will not solve all of your financial problems, but will make most monetary transactions run much more smoothly. The secrets of how to get a high credit score are not as complex as some people choose to believe. You do not need to have a platinum credit card or...
How To Get A High Credit Score In 2013
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease a Chevrolet?
Leasing a Chevrolet is an attractive option for individuals with a minimum credit score of 635. Some of this may depend on the style of car you want, but if you’re looking for a minimum number, 635 is probably a good starting point. However it’s always good to ensure your credit score is...
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease a Chevrolet?
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease A Buick?
To lease a Buick generally requires a credit score of at least 640. As with any type of car financing, you will get better lease rates with scores that are above 700 as those are considered to carry less risk. Buick is a luxury brand that is part of General Motors. It is one of the longest, and...
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease A Buick?
Monday, 18 February 2013
How Much Does It Cost To File Bankruptcy In 2013?
Debt levels are at a record high especially when compared to the average American’s disposable income level, according to the Federal Reserve. For some Americans, high debt loads along with reduced or eliminated income due to the recession has become emotionally and financially draining....
How Much Does It Cost To File Bankruptcy In 2013?
Friday, 15 February 2013
How Does a Credit Rating Affect Mortgages?
Many consumers pose the question “How does a credit rating affect mortgages?” The question is a simple, yet complex one. How a mortgage is affected by your credit rating depends as much on your credit history and several other factors. Your credit history is basically a record of how...
How Does a Credit Rating Affect Mortgages?
Thursday, 14 February 2013
How Important Is A Credit Score In The Dating Game?
In decades not too long ago, some men who tested negative for a sexually transmitted disease proudly displayed or talked about their “card” that proved they were free of diseases. While people still want to know a potential sexual partner is physically healthy, a growing number of people...
How Important Is A Credit Score In The Dating Game?
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
What Is The Relationship Between A Free Annual Credit Report And The Government?
The federal government of the United States has always regulated the manner in which credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion may operate. Laws such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) govern the credit bureaus and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is...
What Is The Relationship Between A Free Annual Credit Report And The Government?
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
What Does a Credit Score Reveal About Your Potential Partner’s Character and Spending Habits?
Knowing your partner’s credit score will tell you a lot about their character and spending habits. Before you invest time, emotions and money into a relationship, read below to find out What a Credit Score Reveals About Your Potential Partner. If your partner has a credit score of 680 or...
What Does a Credit Score Reveal About Your Potential Partner’s Character and Spending Habits?
Can I Have Bankruptcy Removed From Credit Report?
Many unscrupulous organizations advertise that you can have even a legitimate bankruptcy removed from a credit report. But you cannot legally have that information stricken from your credit record unless you really did not declare bankruptcy or the credit reporting statute of limitations has...
Can I Have Bankruptcy Removed From Credit Report?
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Christina Costanza
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Christina Costanza
Friday, 8 February 2013
Good Credit Management Starts With Understanding Your Credit Report
It isn’t easy to get and maintain a good credit score. It takes years of good money management to build up a good credit score but it doesn’t take much to damage your credit score. Before you buy a car, secure a home loan or simply apply for credit cards, you need to know what’s on...
Good Credit Management Starts With Understanding Your Credit Report
What Is Experian Credit Report Contact Info?
Experian is one of the three major credit reporting agencies in the United States. Like its competitors Equifax and TransUnion, Experian is governed by federal laws such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Experian credit report contact info covers several categories including the business...
What Is Experian Credit Report Contact Info?
Thursday, 7 February 2013
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease an Audi?
If you are looking to lease an Audi, your credit score is one of many factors to consider. Audi vehicles start at around $27,000. Many of their sports coupes and sedans can easily be over $50,000 or even $100,000. For that reason, you will probably want to have a credit score that is no lower...
What Credit Score Do I Need to Lease an Audi?
What Credit Score is Needed for a Costco Credit Card?
The Costco credit card is issued by American Express and is considered by many to be the best card on the market. It is affiliated with American Express’s True Earnings program, and when you consider the benefits, it lives up to that name. Costco is a wholesaler that focuses on selling...
What Credit Score is Needed for a Costco Credit Card?
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Are Credit Scores Different Between the Major Credit Bureaus?
Consumers often ask, “Are credit scores different between the major credit bureaus. The short answer is yes, but the reasons for those differences are many. The primary type of credit score in the United States is the FICO score. The FICO score was developed by a company called the Fair Isaac...
Are Credit Scores Different Between the Major Credit Bureaus?
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Why Is There No Bankruptcy On My Credit Report Even Though I Filed A Case?
One of the unfortunate realities of filing any type of personal bankruptcy is that information can legally show up on your Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion reports. However, in some instances there might be no bankruptcy on a credit report even though you filed a case. This is the exception...
Why Is There No Bankruptcy On My Credit Report Even Though I Filed A Case?
Monday, 4 February 2013
Will Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Improve My 2013 Credit Score?
While you should not unnecessarily file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filing a case might be a good idea if you are already in a lot of debt and cannot pay it. Everyone’s credit score, financial situation and bankruptcy eligibility varies and this blog never constitutes formal legal advice. If you...
Will Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Improve My 2013 Credit Score?
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Do Credit Scores Change Monthly?
It is a good time to explain just what is free to access and what is not. There is confusion about whether credit reports and credit scores are free. Each of you is entitled to one free copy of your credit report once every 12 months from the credit bureaus of TransUnion, Experian and...
Do Credit Scores Change Monthly?