Thursday, 8 November 2012

Should Credit Scores Influence Choosing Your Life Partner?

Meet Blondie a 20 something chick who is doing well for herself in corporate America, the only problem is that she is meeting the most irresponsible dufus guys and she is disgusted with the whole dating scene. Wait she says here is an interesting email about a dating service with a different angle on choosing your soul-mate, it says that your potential dates will be rated by their credit scores.

Blondie thinks that this is really cool so she clicks the link and fills in her profile, very anxious to see how this works and now they are asking her to enter a sample credit score of her ideal dream boat. She figures let’s go for the gold and enter 800.

Up comes the results… The states where singles have the best credit score ratings are North Dakota and Vermont followed by South Dakota, Montana and Alaska. Those places are too cold in the winter for me. Then again Midwesterners work very hard tilling the land and keeping the factories running. It continues that Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa also get top billing.

So these guys and gals would probably make good mates because they know how to manage their money and there would be less financial battles in the house. Wait a minute she thinks, these people might be too tight with their money and you know that I have to have my weekly manicure and then there is the gym membership and so much more. Let’s continue to play…

Oops, I didn’t see this, Hawaii also tops the list as well. I wonder if they have lattes out there and I am a big city chick coming from New York, the Big Apple so all that beach and simple easy living may not work for me. How could I be productive with paradise waiting right outside my office window?

Now I will enter a score that is really poor just to see which states come up on the list as possibly the worst places to find a partner that will know how to manage all the financial situations that will come up in a marriage.

Well, do you know the worst state is Nevada? I guess it is because of the city of lost wages, I mean Las Vegas. I can imagine the lure of the poker table or the slots and having that piece of plastic burning a hole in your pocket making you run to the ATM machine to get more dough to lose. Yeah, I can see how marriage in that state could lead to divorce in a real hurry and I heard that the highest divorce rate is in Nevada.

Goodness, the southern states seem to be some of the worst places to find my perfect soul mate. Look at Tennessee , Georgia, Arkansas and Kentucky. Even the gulf states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama seem to be an issue as well. I wonder if economic and environmental factors come into play here making things really rough for those folks. After all there are tornadoes, floods and droughts, and a few hurricanes lurking about too. What a mess!

It goes on to say that singles in Arizona and California are also having serious credit issues. I thought I heard that there are lots of folks in California that are really trying to rebuild their credit. Could this be influencing these statistics?

This is all very interesting Blondie thinks because it appears that singles seem to be doing fairly well credit wise living on the east coast, in the upper Midwest and parts of the Southwest. She wonders why their credit situation is adequate, not super but not bad either.

Well, Blondie says, I am emailing this dating service to ask these questions and many more.

She gets up from her computer and sees that “she’s got mail”. Wow, the service is saying that they have hired Credit Score Resource to provide great article content on this whole subject. Apparently these people work hard to help us learn all about credit issues that affect every part of our daily lives. Blondie is happy as she texts all of her friends and colleagues and is urging them to go check out the site and wait for the articles to be posted.

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