[I]f you have bad credit or less than excellent credit, you may have trouble finding a credit card offer where you can get approved. However, there are credit cards designed for people who have a negative history to help them rebuild their credit. Here are a few to consider.
Credit One...
Top Credit Cards for Bad Credit
Monday, 23 January 2017
Top Credit Cards for Bad Credit
Friday, 20 January 2017
Tips to Help You Improve Your Finances in 2017
[I]f you are like many people, you made a New Year’s resolution to improve your finances or rebuild your credit for 2017. While this seems like a worthy goal, it won’t gain much steam unless you have a plan. You must determine exactly what you will do to achieve your goal and start working on it....
Tips to Help You Improve Your Finances in 2017
Steps to Take to Build Financial Security
[A]re you trying to rebuild your credit? Are you tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? If you have set a goal to become more financially stable in the new year, you need to have a plan. Here is one that almost everyone can follow to achieve success.
1. Set Long-term and Short-Term...
Steps to Take to Build Financial Security
Monday, 16 January 2017
Mistakes People Make with Credit Cards
[G]etting a credit card can be a sign of “growing up” for many. It feels good to know you have earned your way to having credit or to have rebuilt your credit to the point where you can be trusted with credit again. However, not everyone handles this new responsibility in the best way. Here are t...
Mistakes People Make with Credit Cards
Friday, 13 January 2017
How to Protect Your Credit If You’re Self-Employed
[B]eing self-employed often brings a sense of independence and freedom. You have a flexible schedule, and you are in control of how much you earn and when you work. However, it also comes with a few negatives, especially when it comes to your credit history and credit rating. Here are some ways...
How to Protect Your Credit If You’re Self-Employed
Monday, 2 January 2017
How to Take Control of Your Finances
[I]f your goal is to be financially independent and able to enjoy life, you must take control of your money. Here are a few tips to help you in this process so you can live the kind of life you want.
Understand Your Income
This is the fun part. Figure out how much income you have coming in....
How to Take Control of Your Finances